The Story -Book Review...WARNING!

* The following info is based on facts as we compare them to God's Word through our own study and research as well as personal experiences, and observations. It is done in truth and in Christian love as a Proverbs 9:8 rebuke, teaching and learning moment for us all. Only those who would foolishly dislike a biblical rebuke will be offended by it. This is posted to glorify God, lift up the  Lord the Jesus Christ, to help others out of man's traditions and expose the errors of modern religious leaders so they will come to repentance, leave man's false ways and begin to proclaim ALL biblical truth!
We have contacted those involved to share the truth with them and if they ever reply back we share that here as well.

Note; If any of this info is incorrect please contact me and it will be removed and adjusted.
(608-547-8162) for God's glory......  


There is a book out there called The Story written by Randy Frazee. (the forward was from Max Lucado)
We have recently come across a Church of Christ modern pastor using this book in their body, and we thought we would test it to see if it and Mr Frazee are indeed biblical and reliable or to be avoided.

The following simple facts should tell us much about the theology of Mr. Randy Frazee and about his book; The Story:

*Frazee is a modern pastor at Oaks Hills (a worldly seeker false body) with ecumenical unbiblical teacher Max Lucado. They fail the 10 point biblical test of a True New Testament body. 
Click here to see that test

*The gospel preached there (along with Max Lucado's works) is a watered down ecumenical one that is man centered and not biblical.

*Franzee was a modern pastor at Willow Creek which is a mega sized worldly seeker friendly very unbiblical religious body in Illinois started by easy believe-ism guru Bill Hybels. (He started the entire unbiblical seeker friendly movement back in the 80's.)

* Frazee has brought atheists into their body where the entire service was him on stage talking to the atheist about "how they could relate to athiests better". (Some of his own people even walked out.)

*Frazee and Lucado "entertain people" like the time they pretended to be a country band with cowboy hats and all. Frazee played banjo while Lucado sang..... a famous country song! (True men of God don't entertain they PROCLAIM the Lord's truth!)

* Frazee wrote The Story of the bible that is a paraphrase version as it contains only 21 chapters from the Old Testament and 10 from the New Testament.  Frazee and Lucado try to reduce the Holy scriptures down (so people can better understand it- they claim) but we would ask, didn't God warn against taking away from His Word?  See Revelation 22.

Here is a poor example of their work in The Story:

King David
Lucado/Franzee summarizes the story like this,
“God helped David be brave and you can ask God to help you be brave too.”

Sadly the truth is The Story contains absolutely nothing regarding God's redemption plan here.  Therefore, they have completely missed the purpose of it and they cut out valuable theology. David was acting like a king is supposed to as a king defends his people.  A king is to give his life for His people. David was no doubt offended by Goliath’s evil ways/taunting toward God and threats towards God’s people.  Therefore, David acted out to honor God and defend God’s people.

Isaiah 6
Lucado/Frazee says, “God wanted Isaiah to tell the people to stop doing bad things and to do what is right.”  They then summarize this section.  “God doesn’t give up on his people.  God won’t give up on you.”   The message from Isaiah 6 in The Story is to “Try harder,” and many would find this terrible and offensive.

What is the redemptive purpose of Isaiah 6? It is the sacrifice on the altar is it not? Isaiah entered into the very throne room of God. He was terrified because the Seraphim were praising God as “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty.”  There in His presence, Isaiah cried out, “Woe is me.”  Isaiah knowing he is sinful and  deserving hell acted out correctly! The only reason Isaiah could remain in God’s presence is because the sacrifice on the altar was applied to Him. (A forerunner of Jesus Christ death for His people.)

Note: They also totally avoid God's wrath and harsh judgement in the destruction of Sodom by skipping it all together in The Story.

It is very easy to see by these examples that they have mutilated the FULL message of the Word of God and that cannot go unexcused. In the end, it is very clear that Mr Franzee is certainly not a biblical Titus 1 elder nor is Max Lucado. (Lucado is also know to be ecumenical with roman catholics.)

Lastly, these men (Frazee and Lucado) are so deceived (or they are just plain deceivers?) they actually brought in the author of The Shack, Paul Young to speak at their services in 2013. The Shack is an occult mystic book that makes God out to be a "black lady". It is heretical and it promotes universalism not the true gospel of Christ! These men promote it to their body and this is totally shameful! 

They are men to be avoided in line with Romans 16:17 

The one scripture that comes to mind when someone edits out much of Gods Word to try and entertain people (like The Story) is this:
all  scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

We urge you to AVOID... The Story (and Frazee/Lucado/their religoius body) get into God's FULL Holy Word, reject these man made ways lest you perish in your error and sin! We do care and we hope they repent of these serious errors, follow the true NT body that Christ ordained and NOT man made false ways with its lies that can damn souls. (Revelation 22:14-15).

Click Here to learn about the gospel (good news) and how to be redeemed.

Our goal is to call others out of error, out of man made ritual religion/false gospels into the FULL truth of God's Word all for His glory.........

Let us know how we can help you in any way.

Revelation 2:5
Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place.