The Cross...Your Adornment or Atonement?

What do you think of when you hear the word..... cross?

Most people in "so called Christian America" would most likely say it is the means by which Jesus Christ died upon some 2000 years ago and that answer is indeed very telling. Over 20 centuries have passed and still in this modern age of high tech fast flowing information most people know that fact about the cross of Christ. His life split time in half and today we still mark our calendar to His very life. He was and is THE most influential man (fully God also) to have ever walk the earth by far! But in truth the vast meaning and importance of that cross is lost to most! While it is very true the cross was a cruel torture device used by the empire of Rome many centuries ago, we see a disconnect from what people "understand", their depth of it and what the culture today actually "does with a cross" as a common practice. This illustrates a shallow nature of most peopl'es true spiritual understanding of the deeper true things of God as found in His Word the Holy bible. There the cross is the center piece of it all and man made false religion is much at fault as they have dumbed down the truth, compromise on doctrine and entertain the masses just to fill up pews. It is shameful but predicted in God's Word in the last days. (2 Timothy 3)

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
 Proverbs 14:12

If you took most of those people who said it was a device that Jesus Christ died upon and sorted out those who claimed to be true Christians and then asked them, so why did Christ die on a cross; you would get varied answers but not much in deep truth. They would say He offended the Roman rulers, He made the Jewish religious leaders angry and He came to die for the sins of world. Again while all of these have truth to them, most people would totally miss the deeper theology and truth of exactly why Christ died upon that roman cross. It matters most as if they really understood their entire lives would be CHANGED by it. As time has gone on, man has corrupted religion over the centuries. God's truth has been tossed aside for traditions and vain rituals that aim to only control people in pews. Where people once clung to the very Words of God even staking their lives/blood on it (see first century believers/martyrs) corrupt men over took people's faith lives (now in organized vain religion) mans rituals replaced the truth of God (doctrines/theology) in most all places that claim faith in Him today. While the cross has remained a symbol of Christ's death to most it is a broad avenue to abuse God's grace (live in sin/rebellion) when it is really a narrow obedient road to eternal life. (Matthew 7) Sadly it has also gained other far less noble and unbiblical uses as well. Let us give you a few examples:

*Today the cross adorns many religious buildings where it is often placed high on a pagan symbol....the steeple.(Click here to read about the steeple that is a pagan idol brought into Christianity)  Or it is placed above the alter inside a so called religious house of Worship when both have been done away with by Christ at His death. Man has a habit of missing what God says in detail and its called vain religion. (Click HERE to read replacement theology.)

 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.   And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom
Matthew 27:50-51(the veil separated men from God in the temple but now Christ goes to God for us as our only mediator)

What know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
1 Corinthians 6:9 (Redeemed men are His temple today not any building made by man,)

The cross has been mingled with pagan idols and used on denominational buildings for so called worship that God never instructed or ordained be built and used in His name. It is propped up as a religious symbol and as a mere show piece and tradition while few religious leaders or people even care to fully understand it, strive to live up to it in obedience or respect the very meaning and great value of it at all. We can see that false and unbiblical man made religion is a direct attack against the very church that Christ died to redeem with His blood and so it really opposes His truth and cross. (Cee roman catholicism and how they pose/leave the Lord and Savior on a stick that the pope carries around  as they sacrifice Jesus over and over again in their pagan mass services)
Click here to read about the roman catholic abuses of God's truth and their false gospel.

Jesus said; But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men
Matthew 15:9

*The cross today is used as "mere jewelry piece" that hangs around a persons neck or dangles from their ears. God directly told us NOT to adorn ourselves (1 Timothy 2 and 1 Peter 3) One day they may be wearing flashy stones, silver or or gold items and the next day it is the shiny ornate cross that adorns their bodies to make them look what, more attractive? You can find them on shoes, shorts, hats, glasses, shirts and bump stickers etc. We have heard of stories where some ladies will even wear a cross that dangles over their very low cut immodest tops and not many people even think it is a indecent issue at all. This carnal fashion trend is done by ladies and men as well. We know of many men who religiously wear a cross on a chain but they live and talk like un-regenerated drunk sailors. Do these people ever consider that wearing a cross for decoration is like hanging a electric chair around your neck for decoration? (It was a death penalty device in Rome.) The cross and its true holy meaning have no affect on these worldly, unbiblical and sin laided lives. (We know as we were there once.) Most all people do know that Christ died on a cross but they, being in their darkness and human fallen flesh, have no clue of the depths of its eternal meaning at all to them as sinners who will stand before God one day.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1 Corinthians 2:14

* The cross is also used as billboard or hypocritical "outward religious show piece" by men who "claim to be closer to God" in His service (man made priests/clergy men positions.) The truth is God never called any one man to run, control and take all the authority over any religious body of Christ. In fact, Jesus warned against men like that it in Matthew 20 / no lording over is allowed by God) Again see how the roman pope uses the cross symbol as adornment to lift up himself and his false religion, it is sinful. Just recently I saw a man (he calls himself a reverend) who had once tossed us out of his office physically for just asking why he allows open adulterous people to sit in their pews each week;by his very own admission. The man is a proven wolf, false teacher and massive hypocrite but he was there walking around in public with a large cross around his neck on a 3 foot long string and praying out loud for all to hear him. He clearly wants to be seen by all as a man of God even when he is the farthest thing from one per God's Word! (See Matthew 23 where Jesus calls out these types of hypocrites.) The true meaning and depth of the cross is lost on him no doubt and he is in great eternal peril unless he repents soon.

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18

 *The cross is also a pure status or fashion statement and you can see famous people wearing it as adornment, gang members and others who have no spiritual affiliation to it using it still. It seems to be a trendy thing to wear these days. It is shameful the way and the places some people will wear a cross. We think the devil has them fooled as most are wearing them and mocking God perhaps without even knowing it. We are also sure some wear it to indeed mock God but in the end again the true meaning of the cross is not in their hearts and minds is it?

Jesus said in John 3:19-21 they are in darkness, hate the light but love their evil deeds

*The cross is also sold for profit to supply all the above ill adornment uses of it. This is simply just what it is. Mankind will make a profit off of anything he can as the love of money is a root of much evil is it not? Do you think when companies are importing cheap Chinese crosses and selling them by the millions for gain $$$ that they are pondering the great eternal meaning of the precious bloody cross of Christ? No we don't think so either.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
1 Timothy 6:10

There you have the way carnal man's sees the cross today. We have explored all the faulty adornment ways the cross is used against what God's Word says it really is all about. You may ask what then is the true deep meaning of it and how can we better grasp the cross to honor Christ and the Father? Remember when we said above that very few would know the deeper meaning of the cross and why it had to be so?

The words you must focus upon are Atonement and Propitiation
 The root word in Hebrew for atonement is kaphar and it means to ‘cover’‘covering’. means to ’cause to be covered’, ‘make covering for’.
The root word in Greek for Propitiation is hilaskomai and it means just what the Hebrew word for atonement means...a covering of

God is Holy and perfect and He cannot allow sin to go without atonement. (Like a just judge being unable to just set guilty men free.) In the Old Testament God had a system for the covering/atoning for sins of man and it involved sacrifices for those sins. In most cases it was a blood sacrifice of a valuable animal.
But if the man has no next of kin to whom restitution may be made for the wrong, the restitution for wrong shall go to the Lord for the priest, in addition to the ram of atonement with which atonement is made for him.
 Numbers 5:8

This system was a constant bloody ordeal as priests had to kill and kill to atone with blood for the sins in Israel. Only when you understand this eternal need by God for the covering of sin by blood, can you fully understand the cross of Christ to its fullest meaning and greatest value.

In Hebrews 9:22 it says this:
And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

This blood sacrifice system (often needing a perfect unblemished animal) was in play for thousands of years until Jesus Christ came and made the perfect one time sin offering sacrifice for all on that roman cross. 

But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
Hebrews 10:12

The gospel (good news) is that He Christ paid for man's sin at that cross and those who will repent, be born again, deny themselves and obediently follow after Christ will have their sins atoned for and gain eternal life. If the cross (His payment for your sin) is viewed by you as God has required we view it and if we will submit to Him and His Word; He is faithful and just to forgive us. (1 John 1:9) But if we go our own way and do as we please in this life (sin willfully) there remains no sacrifice left for sins (Hebrews 10:26)  at all and you will perish in hell as a just judgement from God (2 Thessalonians 1:8) 

When we look to the New Testament all over its pages we see the reminder of this blood atonement (or propitiation) of Jesus Christ for man's sins at the cross. 

He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.
1 John 2:2 

In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
1 John 4:10

A bible dictionary says this:
Propitiation’ is a reminder that God is implacably opposed to everything that is evil, that his opposition may properly be described as ‘wrath,’ and that this wrath is put away only by the atoning work of Christ”

Jesus Himself said there is NO other way and you must come through Him alone ( John 14:6)

Please note:
Unless you view the cross as what it is (your blood atonement) and unless it draws you to a fully obedient, holy life, surrendered and lived for only Him; you still have no idea what it means to God and you are lost with no hope! As long as it remains a religious symbol or just a cultural history piece you cannot enter in to the Fathers house for eternity. We care about you so we speak out! God does not want a cross on a chain or a cross on your ritual religious place! What He cares about is THE sacrifice Christ made for you and if you have grasped, understood and cherished it daily in your heart/life? Is it driving force of who you are every minute you breath? Only your life lived out in biblical holiness and obedience (not cultural adornment of a cross) will give Him the answer He desires.

What will it be in you............adornment or atonement?

We hope this article about how man views the cross and its real biblical meaning has opened your eyes up to the fullness, depth, importance and eternal meaning of that cross. To God and His Word, it is not about the device that was used to sacrifice the Lord. Not at all! It is ALL about the very act of His Son, a perfect atoning blood sacrifice that alone satisfies and protects us from the just wrath we all deserve due to our sin against a Holy Holy Holy God. While there is nothing mystical about the cross itself (we don't lift it up as a special symbol at all but we lift up Christ alone) if you fear God and have reverence for His Son, it should never be hung on a ear, nailed to a religious building, worn for fashion, be viewed as a hip cool symbol or be sold for gain. Why? Because what does that tell the world about your view of His death for you? Forget the cross itself as a symbol and look to Christ the Lamb of God slain and seek after Him. Look past what it means to this carnal culture / false man made religions and get into God's Word to grasp the amazing free gift that it is to you and the world. You must view it as the ONLY key (hope) you have to unlock heavens door and enter in with the Father or damnation will come and that means you will perish.
(Go to for much more biblical info to aid you in the truth.)

The cross and obedience to Christ is the ONLY vehicle by which a fallen man can enter God's eternal kingdom.

Here is a warning for every one of us:
 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
2 Thess 1:8

How do you view His cross now and what will you do with it today?

Repent and follow Him to new life!

Please CLICK HERE to read or listen to the gospel good news.

Please let us know if we can help you.