Unplugged Movie Reviews … Exposed!


There is an ungodly, unbiblical, carnal and worldly ministry of Focus on the family called … Unplugged Movie Reviews. They attempt to review all kinds of movies for a “so called” Christian audience. This entire ministry is suspect and we would warn you to biblically test them, then reject and avoid them. We will show you the reasons below:

* They are united to Focus on the Family. (An unbiblical, worldly psychology based man made religious ministry loved by the world.)

*We tested them and they offer up, review and detail all kinds of movies rated from General to R.  God’s Word tells His true people to leave the ways of the world. (Go to our teaching blog HERE for MANY articles on television, entertainment, separation and holiness)

*They go into describing perverted and gross sexual details, they describe scenes of ungodliness, violence and profanity in detail. All condemned by the Word of God.

Believe it or not.... today so called biblical pastors are linking to them and sending people and youth there to read this violence, written porn and swill. Here is one example: Grace Point Church in Minnesota / Jared Carlson modern pastor

See that unbiblical body tested here: http://bewareoffalse-unbiblicalteachers.blogspot.com/2014/10/jared-carlsongrace-point-undiscerning.html

This is all we need to know about them to see that Unplugged is a dangerous and worldly ministry to run from if you fear God. ( Proverbs 1:7) They do not teach truth nor do they warn people to come out of the culture and its carnality but they offer it up for entertainment and in so many ways… they are FRIENDS to the world. (the bible says that makes you an enemy of God / James 4:4) They must be rejected!

Go here to hear the biblical gospel and find eternal new life:

Go here to test your ways to God's Word and NT church

Go to www.dontperish.com to learn all about the error of these man made ministries and so called churches vs the true and holy New testament church of Christ.

God be praised
