Conviction vs Obedience

One of the many misleading teachings we see coming from the man made denominations is the teaching of conviction.  What this means is that people are allowed to continue in their sin (even after being taught the truth) until they are convicted.

What does conviction mean?
  • a strong belief or opinion
  • the feeling of being sure that what you believe or say is true
This is not found in God’s Word, this is found in the traditions and teachings of man.  What does God’s Word say about obedience?

Jesus said: If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15)

He also said: And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him (Hebrews 5:9)

And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. (2 Thessalonians 3:14)

Now let’s see what verses allow people to wait for their conviction before obeying…


There are none.

God’s Word is clear, we are to read and obey His Word and if we don’t Matthew 18 comes in to play.   Look at 1 Corinthians 5, why didn’t Paul say ‘wait until the man committing fornication is convicted’, no he said ‘put him out’!  What about a murderer, should he wait until he’s convicted to stop? Shall the church body wait until the man is convicted of his laziness (2 Thessalonians 3) before they ‘note that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed.’ (vs 14)

Oftentimes the theology of ‘conviction’ comes to play when it’s a subject that people deem non-essential.  (See an article HERE about essentials vs non-essentials)  Such areas are: sports, entertainment, headcovering, clothing, jewelry/wedding rings, makeup, associations, Godhead, New Testament Church model, music, biblical separation etc.  We have heard the saying ‘Oh that’s your conviction’ or ‘I will pray about it until I am convicted’.   These examples (and more) are clearly laid out in God’s Word to be obeyed, waiting for a conviction is just a reason to remain in sin. 

Obedience is a biblical command; conviction is a personal choice whether to obey or not...that is not biblical!

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