Baptists, are they biblical?

If you read just a short way into our main blog page you will see that we do not cling to any man made group and the Baptist's are indeed, made of man's ways. While they do indeed have some things correct according to God's Word and we applaud them for that; they also have various errors/sin. There are many different Baptist's groups so this is a "general statement" about the denomination in general and their ways and it may not be exactly true of every single group out there. We have tested and visited many to share truth with them so we are well aware of the issues at play here and have never found a FULLY biblical Baptist body ever.

The following article will show you why we cannot recommend Baptist bodies as biblical true New Testament churches due to their sin / error:

This 10 point test will show you why Baptist bodies fail to be true NT churches:

We pray you will heed God's Word, desire truth ( john4:24)  and keep to His true church vs these false systems of man.

Here is the biblical gospel that most Baptist bodies lack:

God be praised