
This article comes as we see a great need to warn others about a growing trend in those who name Christ a Savior. The growing and dangerous trend is called.... ecumenicalism.

Ecumenicalism is the uniting with others ( varied doctrines, denominations or faiths) who differ with you on doctrine/theological teachings....

Sadly many claimed Christians today have it in their ways and it is very SINFUL and destructive to God's truth. At the root of this false way is the man made belief there are essentials and NON essentials that we do not need to agree on all things in order to unite with others. This is a lie and we prove it in this article on that topic:

This false way can easily be exposed.
Anyone who says well we should all unite up as long as we have the essentials correct , I simply ask them this.
So will you unite up with those who teach abortion is ok, homosexual marriage is godly or that ladies can be pastors? Those are not essentials are they?
Most true god fearing people will say; well no.... that is sinful!
And in that; their essentials and non essentials ways would have them do just that....unite with sin/error.
In the end their false ways have them acting as hypocrites does it not. They say one thing but they do another....

God's Holy word is the FINAL authority!

Paul says we are to be united in one mind and speak the same things 1 Corinthians 1:10

How can this happen if we all go off and teach and believe whateverwe choose to?

His people are called to be Holy 1 Peter 1:15

Holy means set apart for Him. ( Israel was set apart for God from all false ways.)
So how are you set apart for Him if you are united to those who teach error/sin in a so called body of Christ?

The truth is you can't be set apart that way and that is the real issue here!

The pagan roman catholic faith is at the root of much of the ecumenicalism as they try to steer people back into their unbiblical fold. Also the modern, seeker sensitive, watered down denominations have lowered (or never had) solid biblical standards to fill pews and they seek to unite up with others vs UPHOLD God's full truth. This paves the way for ecumenicalism as well and it is sinful and shameful!

In truth it is the false creeds of man (example: the Apostles Creed ) and his made up theology that has evangelical people thinking they should unite with all others in "peace and love" for God's glory.
Is that really the truth found in the Holy bible or is it a lie of religious men?

Lets take a look:

Jesus Himself said in Matthew 10:34
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

He came to divide out His people from sin and error.

Also if you read Mark 7:6-9 you will see a Jesus who would NEVER unite with the false man made traditions in the body He died to redeem.

What about Apostle Paul? Does he teach we all should unite up even if there is varied ways, sin / false ways?

Apostle Paul says this in Romans 16:17

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

In 2 Thessalonians 3 
Paul instructs us to separate from a brother who is lazy. 

He does not say stay united to him, as it is a non essential.

In Galatians 1:6 Paul warns of any 

false gospel and that it is accursed, not blessed!

There are MANY more verses that instruct clinging to pure doctrine and to separate from those in error/sin.

How much more clear could Paul and Jesus be? The inspired Holy Word is very clear to those who will heed it. We are to be separated for Him NOT united to sin.

Ah ...but this must be noted. There is a great price to be paid when you stand for ALL of God's truth. We have seen in in our lives and family. You will be hated by most, by man made religion and not included in the groups that make up mainstream culture and main stream denominationalism today.

We would ask you this: didn't Jesus also say His people will be hated? See Matthew 10
Yes and that is the point once again.

Ecumenicalism brings many together into sin and error, while following the Holy Word separates you out to make you holy.

Do you see the real truth and the main point why ecumenicalism is false / not pleasing to God?

There are many other verses that warn the true believer to NOT unit with error and apostasy and call us to separate. See this article on biblical separation:

The next time you're thinking 'well let's just all get along even though we have different teachings, doctrine and traditions', we challenge you to test that to the Holy Word if God.

Revelation 22:14-15 says lies (false doctrines)  get you put out of heaven!

John 14:6 says Jesus is THE TRUTH so if you have the real Jesus why would you unite to any error, lies or untruth?

Lastly, go read Titus 3:9-10

 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;
Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.
( Note: a heretic is anyone who teaches false ways not just a man who rejects Jesus Christ as God )

Please consider this won't you?
Then be warned of sinful ecumenical ways that have you leave the truth because:

God is not pleased or glorified in this.

Test yourself to make sure you are in the FULL truth lest you be a reprobate. 2 Corinthians 13:5

See the gospel and a 10 point test here to help you:

Our website and we are here to help you as well...

God be praised