Day 14 / Methodist Sin / 2017 Cross Country Mission Trip

On this day; we were blessed with a large on site carving job as that is how we support ourselves since we do not take anyone's donations. During the job the owner had mentioned things of faith several times so; I knew we would discuss it after our work was done.

Once we had finished the job, the customer was very pleased with it and we were paid for our labor; we had a very interesting discussion on God's truth.

The following are high-lites of that talk:

*The man stated he and his wife found a church they both liked
( this is a common error of people...they seek places they but NOT places that are fully biblical and in this case it was a Methodist place helping them on to hell; NOT calling them out to holiness and obedience )

*The man admitted since he lost a son; he found this Methodist pastor to be one that he could relate to.
( It is nice to relate but many muslims, athiests and new agers are relateable too; but they are not in a position to give you Gods truth are they? )

*As I shared with him how unbiblical these man made places are and how they do not want to hear Gods true Word preached; he agreed and said something telling. ( he said people including himself do not like to hear the truth as it convicts them )

*He showed he was not born again as he asked do we really have to give up all our fleshly pleasures to serve God? ( he was refering to drinking, riding harley's/dressing immodest like bikers  and watching movies and pro sports for entertainment; all things the bible calls.... sin )

*He said we should not be made to feel guilty about our pleasures ( sins )  as we all see the bible different. ( I asked him if a homosexual or a murderer can use that reasoning and he stumbled answering that??? )

*We talked about MANY doctrines and teachings that man ( Methodist faith ) has excluded and he agreed it was a compromised faith. ( we discussed Christmas and Easter ..pagan holidays that man made religion lifts up and he did not know the biblical truth about them )

* This mans gospel was simply believe and you are ok. ( I asked him about James and the demons believing and the call to OBEY God in Heb 5:9 ....he stumbled on answering that ???)

*We went over the biblical gospel together and how it calls Gods people OUT OF THE WORLD as fruit they are His.

In the end... he was not able to defend his ways or Methodist religion in the Word and he admitted he needed to think about these many things. We offered him our help in the Word anytime and we parted ways.

Jesus said FEW will find eternal life and he warned MANY religious people will be turned away by Him as they are sinful/law breakers going against His ways to do their own false ways.
See Matthew 7

We pray you are not deceived today so we GO to proclaim truth for God's glory and your eternal soul!

Please see these links that will help you in the truth of God's Word and into eternal life to come.

God be praised