Day 15 / Baptist and Unbeliever / 2017 Cross Country Mission Trip

As we awoke from a good nights rest in a city camp ground next to a raging river in Lander Wyoming; I met a young unbeliever man and I shared the gospel tract with him.
He was uninterested in the truth of God.

So I took a walk with my coffee to do a teaching video by a creek. As I came up from the creek I met a older man and we chatted. We had a nice talk about various topics like camping, traveling and the mountain scenery. He then asked me if I had Jesus?

I said....

huh...that is what I wanted to talk to you about.

Turns out he is a Baptist and as I lovingly tried to show him the biblical truth vs Baptist man made false ways...  ( he did not know the bible at all after a lifetime of sitting in baptist pews )
He said quote " I do not feel I am unbiblical in my Baptist faith and then; he instantly wanted nothing to do with God's truth and had to go.

I found it interesting that both the unbeliever and the claimed Baptist believer wanted NOTHING to do with God's truth. 

What they want is their own belief system that pleases them. How sad!

It wont be pleasing on judgement day ...just read 2 Thess 1.8 to see the destruction coming on those who do not OBEY the gospel.

That unbeliever needs the gospel link below.

That Baptist man needs that gospel and this article helps expose his faith system as false/made of man vs being in the truth which is Christ.

They both got the gospel truth ... if they desire it and we are here to help them at that time.

Jesus said FEW will find eternal life and he warned MANY religious people will be turned away by Him as they are sinful/law breakers going against His ways to do their own false ways.
See Matthew 7

We pray you are not deceived today so we GO to proclaim truth for God's glory and your eternal soul!

Please see these links that will help you in the truth of God's Word and into eternal life to come.

God be praised