Premier Designs Jewelry

We have the opportunity to meet all sorts of people and when speaking with them we learn of new ministries and organizations that people are putting their attention on.  One such type of organization would be work at home jobs (claiming to be of a Christian base) for women.  God's Word does teach women to be in the homes and working from home is a noble idea (in the proper situations and organizations) but as always we need to test all things.  1 Thessalonians 5) We encountered a woman who informed us of this particular organization and because we love our neighbors and want to either exhort what is good or warn of what is deceiving, we needed to test this organization to find out if it is something good for professed women of God to do, or to be avoided.

Premier Designs Jewelry is the name of the company that we are speaking of.  For the discerning Christian woman who reads and follows God's Word, she will see right away that jewelry is not for a true born again believing woman to be involved in.  God's Word specifically states in 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Peter 3 that women are not to adorn themselves and to do so is sinful.

Premier Designs Jewelry is claiming to use God's biblically based principles to run their business but they are not using God's Word to run it because they are unbiblical and go against it.  They are leading women away from obedience and into sin by teaching them to adorn themselves.  Read an article here about adornment:

On their website they have women who are disobeying God's word not only in adornment of jewelry but also of makeup and clothing that the bible would call "the attire of a harlot". (Proverbs 7)  This is sinful before a holy God.  Read an article here on that:

Read an article here about how Christian women should dress:

And God's Word teaches women to cover their heads and to not do so is shameful; but this company does not obey God's Word in this area either yet they will claim to use God's pricinciples in business.
Read an article here on headcovering and the Christian woman:

What we see is that they are deceiving women into thinking they are a godly company and one that a godly christian woman should work for and trust in, when in fact they are deceivers; encouraging women to dress in the 'attire of a harlot', shamefully uncover their heads and sinfully adorn their body.

We warn you, this is not a company that christian women should work for.

Not only all that but the founders base their spiritual information from denominational/evangelical religion (Baptist) which is not biblical either.  Read about Baptists here:

Our discernment blog has many, many articles to help you discern truth from error and lies they are teaching in those man made religious places.

Listen to the biblical gospel here:

And we have a  10 point test you can use on your own religious body and yourself to see if you are being deceived in other ways.

Let us know if we can help you.

God be praised!