Day 105 / Hobby Lobby Sells Heretics / 2017 Summer mission trip

On this day I decided to go into a Wyoming Hobby Lobby store to look around.
I knew the ills of Hobby Lobby as we tested them some years back and found them to be unbiblical as is their owner David Green.

Not only do they sell nice little craft goods but did you know they also sell and are linked to many heretic Word of faith types also?

I saw for myself the racks full of heretical books as they claim to be all about the biblical God.

Go to this link to learn all about the sins of Hobby Lobby and its founder Mr Green

Do NOT be deceived 


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Go here for audio teachings:

His true people follow Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) NOT.... man made false ways or today's denominational religion.

God be praised