Sunday is the Lord's Day? Modern Pastors ( like JD Hall ) Wrong

Each Sunday in America you will hear modern pastors teaching and telling others that Sunday is the Lords day! ( example pic is one JD Hall of Pulpit and Pen who teaches this same ill lie ) 

The problem is while God's truth is to be taught; they are teaching the doctrines of man. I find it strange that men like JD Hall will rail against the roman catholic church for its errors but; by keeping Sunday; he is obeying what a pagan Constantine started long ago as law. 
The Word of God does NOT teach Sunday is the Lord's day at all. It was men who installed this into their religious false ways. It is just another part of the deception of today's man made ways like roman catholicism and evangelicalism.

See this article that lays out with scripture why Sunday is NOT the Lords day at all........

To be clear... you can gather on ANY day of the week but to make and call SUNDAY a holy special day....... it is more man made false ways that God hates. ( see Mark 7:6-9 and Jesus own words about that )

Do not be deceived by man made religion. Go to the resources below to see more of their lies exposed for God's glory.

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Go here for audio teachings:

His true people follow Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) NOT.... man made false ways or today's denominational religion.