Rondy Marji Tested to God's Word / Street Preaching Gone Bad Part 4

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In my on going series that exposes the modern day street preachers who have heretical ways and false associations; welcome to part 4!

Let this be a teaching and learning moment for us all.....

Many men are out there proclaiming Christ in the streets but when tested, they miss the mark of truth themselves. Any man can go in the streets and yell but Jesus said preach the gospel, keep His commands and make disciples. Most street preaches today fail at doing those things well. 

Note: we are all for street preaching and we do it as well but we are called to stand against sinful street preachers. 

Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
1 Timothy 5:21

This testing is about a New York street preacher named:
 Rondy Marji. 

I found Rondy on line as he is FB friends with another unbiblical street preacher I had spoke to, Justin Schoelen (see him tested below.)

I spoke with Rondy via text and on the phone and we had some good biblical conversations until I learned more about his associations and some of his ill doctrines/ ideas. For the following reasons I could not say Rondy is a biblical preacher ( though he may well be a brother in the Lord? ) and we had to part ways.  

1) Rondy appears to have a biblical gospel message ( faith, repentance, new life, holiness/obedience as fruit and endurance ), but he was striving to unite to men who have "heretical gospels" like Jimmy Miller of Eternal Evangelism ( see him tested / exposed below.) Note: I sent Rondy the testing of Miller like 6 times as he asked for it and .... he NEVER commented on the heresy there?

2) Rondy is very new to the faith ( 2 years ) and while he has great zeal, he lacks maturity, discernment and understanding in the faith.
Sadly he rebelled when I tried to bring him some things he greatly lacks. His theology tells him to over look sin in believers that are his friends on FB as he is calling out the worlds sins on the street. This is twisted backwards from the bibles truth! We ARE to judge the body ( 1 Corinthians 5 ) and to preach the good news to the world of the gospel. Rondy unites on FB with men who claim Christ but are worldly, unbiblical and carnal into pro sports, tv , movies, hair styling salons, karate and Word of Faither ministrys. He confuses youth in the Lord or lacking knowledge with willful sin and carnality in the daily life of those who claim Jesus. He refuses to call them out in love but lets them walk in sin. That is not godly love.   

3) Rondy allows himself to be led astray easily as another heretical street preacher ( David Giro ) has wooed Rondy into believing polygamy is ok for today!!!! Yes, Rondy sent me the teaching and then he defended it.  Marji's logic is in the OT law, God said it was ok then and since the law is good, we men can have multiple wives yet today. Eveb though the NT Word ays ...NO! see Titus 1
It is very sad. Under Rondys thinking/theology: can we still stone sodomites, rebellious children and false teachers today too as the law is good? No.... he lacks maturity and solid biblical understanding to see we are in the NEW covenant today, not the old. 

4) When I lovingly tried to help Rondy see his errors and the sins of his friends/associations on Facebook (4 times I tries in love ) he got upset, called me too critical, called me a wicked workr of satan and wanted to leave me in hast. I find this hypocritical since he is OFTEN calling out others on his own FB page with posts like this: 

He over looks sinful believers just to have unity as he told me quote:  "I need warm bodies to stay warm"

Chapter and verse for that fleshly theology Rondy did not offer as.... the bible does not teach that. That breeds sin not holiness.
We are called to leave believers if they stay in sin. Romans 16.17 , Matthew 18 and 2 Thessalonians 3

5) Rondy, like so many street preachers are out preaching the gospel but they are NOT making biblical disciples or living holy themselves. Marji told me while he believes in doctrines like ladies head coverings, he is not going to separate from others over it. So now I guess we can rip books and pages out of the bible that we ALL do not have to follow or obey? That is heresy!!!! 
Then how can he judge the Christians who think homosexuality is ok today? This is very sad and hypocritical. 

6) Rondy, like many street preachers, seem to call ANYONE who says they are believers brothers without testing them to the Word and asking them to leave public sin for their own good. 
This is a dangerous way!!!

7) This testing is based on the facts but Rondy clearly operates in the flesh. Why? He said to me several times that "I have no one, I help no one and that I am a lonely sad man". In truth Rondy has NO IDEA who I am with today or who I help in truth. Only a fool speaks of what he does know, per God's Word. 

In the end, Rondy is not trained up in things like biblical dress, separation from the culture, exegesis vs eisegesis and other important standards of holiness found in God's Word. He really needs to take time off the streets and get his own theology and home in order first. 

Again great zeal here, but he is lacking and will led others astray so be warned. ( I meet Mormons with great zeal to but they are deceivers or deceived themselves.) He is another example of American street preachers who often times will do much harm, as they try to do good! 

We care about Rondy but I cannot walk with him as he is per Romans 16.17

I pray he repents of it all and grows up to use his zeal correctly via the Word. If he does repent, we will help him all we can.
I told Rondy if he publically repents of these sins/issues the testing will come down. 

See Rondy's connections / those he seeks unity to tested here:

See our bible resources below to help you in the true faith.

God be praised

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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