Licensing of Men to Preach is NOT Biblical

There is a false and man made unbiblical tradition of men giving licenses to other men to allow them to preach. This is NOT found anywhere in God's Word and most who do this practice are very unbiblical, undiscerning and often have a false gospel as well. 

One such example is this Baptist / Word of Faith man Matt Solis who I have met and tested:

Do not be deceived by mans ways. God calls men to preach His truth and there is NO need for other men to offer up paper licenses as proof of what God has truly done! All who buy into licenses to preach from men are all about those false systems of men; NOT God's Word and truth in full. 

See our biblical resources to help you in the truth!

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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