A Great Exchange

Do you know about the GREATEST exchange that ever took place in human history? I want to tell you about it but first some bible history and some lesser exchanges that took place:

*In Genesis 3:21
God exchanges a animal ( makes a coat of skins ) to COVER Adam and Eve due to their sin......

*IN Gen 22:1-19
God tests Abraham's faith asking him to sacrifice his son only to then provide as ram in exchange to COVER the needed sacrifice...

*In Exodus 12:23 
God instructs the Israelites to kill a lamb and cover their door posts with blood in exchange for a death angel that will come and not kill their first born ....

*In Lev 16 
God exchanges a goat for the sins of Israel ( a scape goat ) and sends it into the wilderness

Then in Matthew 27:17 in a custom of letting a prisoner go, we see the first human to get the GREAT exchange offered via Christ.
Barabus a guilty thief is set free ( EXCHANGED ) for Jesus the Christ who goes to His cruel death! 

Jesus then goes upon the cross, dies and is resurrected to cover mans sins and defeat death of all who will follow after Him and keep His commands and kingdom ways. 

In John 19.30 Jesus final words were.... It is finished!  

He has finished the GREAT EXCHANGE for all mankind... IF ...men will repent then obey the gospel and come after His Word and Ways as all of the NT word commands.  
See the gospel to eternal life here:

You and I are Barabus who do benefit from this great exchange but only... if ....we are born of God and follow Him in faith as Jesus has made the way for us to eternal life to come.

God's Word tells exactly us why Jesus went to the cross and made that exchange:

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
2 cor 5:21

Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:
Gal 1:4

But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
Heb 10;12

His covering of sins is NOT a excuse to live unholy or be of the worlds ways. ( see Romans 6 ) No, it is a call to live for His glory, leave all ungodliness ( see Titus 2:12 ) and serve Him in spirit and truth seeking His kingdom to come, lest we miss the mark. John 4:24

See all  of our biblical resources below to help you. 

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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