Dying Man and Wood Carvings / 2018 Witnessing Experiences

When you serve God and are faithful to His Word, He uses you!

We got a call from a lady who wanted a wood carving for her ill husband and for a benefit they were having for him to raise money. We communicated then went to their house to see the site.

Once there, we saw a very ill man close to death due to lung disease. Because God's truth is in us and drives us, that day we got to share the life saving gospel with that man, warn the lady about various false religious bodies she asked me about and we will get to help them in their benefit needs to raise money.

We left rejoicing, even though we wont make any money, we do not care about their money!  Because of it all, God's truth was proclaimed and another soul has the hope and choice to make for eternity! It is what we do for Christ.....

See the gospel below to find eternal life to come and let us know how we can help you.

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/
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