Gospel Tract of Dontperish

Handing out gospel tracts is a great way to get truth into peoples hands. But when using tracts, you must make sure that they are biblical and full of God's truth.

Here is the older tract we use/used that we designed our selves.....

This is our newer gospel tract we designed recently:

We also have a large hand out tract that has the 10 point test on one side https://www.dontperish.com/10-point-biblical-test.html

and the gospel on the other. They point people to our website that has hundreds of teaching resources.......

***If your tract does not call/help them to repentance and come out of the world and man made religion, you are NOT helping them!

If you buy or make your own tract, please make sure you test them to the Word of God first. (I do not know of ANY fully biblical tracts sold) If you say they are out there; please show them to me so i can encourage them to NOT sell them for gain! 

God be praised



Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: