Canadian Mormon Couple and Feminism / 2018 Summer Mission Trip

Day 71

We were at work online when a man pointed to my bible and said he liked the Word of God. It lead to a discussion and I preached the gospel to them. The lady was trying to led but I focused on the man to be biblical. Turns out, she was a Mormon and was getting him to convert to it. I lovingly informed him all about the cult of Mormonism, laying out the historical and biblical facts that show it is a occult religion made of man!
He thanked me and the lady was livid!!! We said we love you and will pray for you! 
She tore up our gospel card but he asked for another one.
Then after they left, he called me and started to say we should not be so hard on Mormons, they are people and I was wrong but he had NO scripture to back it up. Then she got on the phone and I had to hang up as I am not going to listen to a occult feminist Mormon lady.... rant at me.

There was something in the man that saw SOME truth till his wife got to him. We pray he goes deeper vs following a EVE type, right into sin as Adam did!

See our bible resources below....

God be praised


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