Jeffrey Wallace Refuted on His Tithe Sermon

We at are biblical New Testament followers of Christ who have left the denominational man made religious world, we reject the ways of the culture like TV, sports, entertainment, our ladies head cover / dress (in loose, plain dresses) according to the Word of God, we reject all pagan ways like Christmas and Easter and we cling to ONLY the biblical church ways that Jesus ordained through Paul and the other apostles. We believe and will practice only holy, orderly controlled OPEN gatherings (mostly in homes or out doors) where all born again obedient men can bring what God gives them to share. No ONE man is in control but multiple men shall over see (elders) not lord over others. My wife and I mostly travel to preach the Word and we reside both in central Wisconsin and central Missouri, spreading the Lord's truth.

We have a small business to support ourselves and ministry and we will NOT sell any of God's truth! (We have sold off most of our things to be more mobile.)

Call or email me anytime to discuss this testing. 
Jim 608-547-8162 /

Update Jan 2018

I hear Wallace has left Mark Bullen and LFCF?
Why did this happen, are they still united and does Jeffrey have a letter from his bishop to even leave? Mark teaches that you need a letter to leave... 

read on to see Wallace exposed


Jeffrey Wallace did a sermon in 2018 at Living Faith Christian fellowship on tithing. It was called "Will a Man Rob God"
Sadly he is not a discerning biblical man or a good biblical teacher as his association with Mark Bullen at LFCF proves.
See that body tested and exposed here for various unbiblical ways including a false gospel:

Here is a link that exposes Mr Wallaces ways as well:

I do this testing to show Mr Wallace is not teaching truth but deceiving people. It is in love and we hope he comes to a better knowledge of the word though; our attempts to get that for him/help have been rejected by him in the past. 
Here we go and see my reply to his teaching with the * by it.


At Minute 1:54 he says Malichi 3 alone "closes the deal and we should all pay a tithe". 

*Actually that is a lie as that was a old testament command to Israel not the NT gentiles and NO WHERE in the NT are gentiles instructed to pay a tithe!

At Minute 2:38 he says it is " brought to the store house". 
*Men like him will say that storehouse is the local church but that is not true. The store house was the Temple God built in Jerusalem and that is where the tithe was paid. We are now the temple of God today and there is no physical store house.

At Minute 3:30-4:39 Jeffrey says it clearly speaks of the tithe. 
*While it does speak of the tithe, it is in reference to the OT not the NT. Fact:

At minute 5:48 he states the tithe is a test of obligation to God.
*That is a lie as where does the NT Word say that!

At Minute 10:20 he says the tithe was given 400 years before the law to Abraham. 
*While that is true so was circumcision but we do not cling to that today do we Jeffrey? Tithing is not for today folks!

At minute 13:35-19:44 Wallace makes these crazy statements:
Your stealing 10% from God, it tests our mandatory obedience, hatred of tithing is hating the law and men who hate to tithe hate authority.... in his loud yelling manner! 
*Wallace can yell all he wants but NOT ONE VERSE IN THE NT WORD SUPPORTS HIS CLAIMS! It is more money grubbing lies ....

At minute 21:30 he admits you cannot keep the specifics of the tithe today as God ordained but you still need to pay it.  
* See you need a temple, a levitical priesthood, Israelites, to be in Jerusalem and the tithe was FOOD not money back then ) but that does not stop Wallace and other false teacher today from guilting you out of your money does it!

At minute 22:15 Wallace says Jesus mentions the tithe and said to obey the tithe. 
*Jesus was fufilling the OT ways and speaking to Jews not gentiles Mr Wallace and again no NT verses support your teaching. Stop scripture twisting!!!

At minute 23:54 he says Jesus sanctioned the tithe.
*This is another lie. In Matt 23:23 Jesus is NOT sanctioning the tithe to us gentiles he is speaking to Jews/Pharisees who kept the OT law!  We do not keep the OT law today do we? See the book of Galatians.

At minute 25:49 Wallace says Jesus said render unto Caesar and render unto to God what is God's. 
*No specific mention of tithing here but just to give what is due to God ( talents, thanks, praise, money etc )  Again tithing is OT and NEVER taught to us gentiles in the NT. 

At minute 26:39 Jeffery makes the strange claim that lone wolf Christians have nothing to tithe to???
* If you do not have a biblical body of believers with you, as a gentile you are free to honor God with your money, as you see fit. 
Paul said so. There is NO biblical command in the NT to hand over 10% to someone. Paul says give out of the abundance of your own heart, not to tithe!

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 cor 9:7

At the 27:30 mark Wallace says the local church is the store house. 
*Nice try Jeffrey but NOT ONE NT VERSE supports him in this. The temple was the storehouse and now my body is the temple. Paul says each one of you lay in store NOT HAND OT OVER TO A MODERN PASTOR! See 1 Cor 16:2

At the minute 28:30 he says God finances the ministry vie the tithe.
*Again it sounds nice but he gives NO NT SCRIPTURE! 
Since we are now the temple 1 Cor 6:19 and each man a priest 1 Peter 2:9 and Paul saying you give as you see fit; it would seem that Mr Wallace has a moot point on this issue!

At minute 29:37 he says if your out there running around where is your store house?
*Well since the NT word never instructs tithing to us gentiles without a temple made by God, I have a bank account or a old coffee can in the ground where I can store up money for God's use. I am able to do so and do not need a modern pastor to do so Mr Wallace. Stop lying to people.....

At minute 31:39 he says you start giving "only" after you gave 10% 
*I guess Jeffrey needs to go find that in the NT Word but alas, it is not there anywhere for him. He is grasping for it and it looks very bad! Paul said give what you want.... 

At minute 32:00 -35:38 he makes the loud claims again.... 10% is God's, your robbing God and ALL Christians pay the tithe. 
*Really? Chapter and verse Mr Wallace on that in the NT Word? He has ZERO verses to support his blather!

At Minute 36:25 he again mentions the ONLY verse in the NT Word past the gospels that mention the tithe Hebrews 7.
*But it is about paying tithes according to the law and Heb 7 and 8 tell us the OLD has faded and the NEW has come. We are not under the OT giving laws today.

At minute 37:00-39:45 he has to go back to Numbers 18 for a verse on tithing, he says church ministry today is the same as the priesthood and the church is able to feed the poor better then he can.
*Again he needs OT law verses as the NT does not support his false tithe teaching for today and he has NO verses anywhere to support his claim the church building/pastor is like the priesthood today regarding giving. Paul tells a man to lay in store for himself NOT to give it away to others. Why is the building system better able to feed people. Cant you feed those God puts in your path Jeffrey or is is less messy for you to toss it for others to do? 

In minute 40:44 Wallace says Paul sanctioned the tithe in 1 Cor 9. 
*Go read the entire chapter and it is NOT there! More lies.... 
Paul is saying the priests ate of the food offerings given. The tithe was food. No problem. So Jeffrey if your hungry, have others in your body stock a room with food there for you and Mark to eat of. But a 10% money tithe weekly paid to a modern pastor.... it is NOT there in the NT word! Do not be deceived folks!

In minute 41:00-44:00 he says pastors should be paid as they do everything!
*God never designed one man to be doing all those things in His true NT body. Many men should be active doing  it. 1 Cor 14 
Your keeping a false man made system Mr Wallace making your own rules... how sad!

In minute 45:45 he cries out... your in trouble if you do not pay the tithe to God. 

In minute 46:00 he says if you cant trust your pastor with the tithe how can you trust him with your soul?
*the bible tells me to place my soul in Christ alone.. NOT ANY MAN JEFFREY! Hebrews 12:2 author and finisher of my faith! 

In minute 46:33-47:15 he again cries out your calling down a curse on yourself ...your robbing God! ( no verses from the NT to support himself ) 
* Ok Mr Wallace...we will all give our money right to God and not thru your modern pastor ponzi scheme, sound good? He has nothing in the NT to help him.

In minute 48:05 he says tithe and love a happy blessed life. 
* the Word of Faith alarm just went off now!  No, he gives NOT ONE NT  verse for gentiles to support this swill. 

In minute 48:49- 49:17 he starts saying tithing is God's program!
He and Bullen love that word. Then he says people hate that word program ( he meant me :) )  but they cant answer what it is.
* Oh I can Mr Wallace... see your program is a false, man made, Sunday ritual church system, that has corrupted God's truth / freedom for His people then replaced it with lording over, corrupt, money based, timed out/dead gathering with lies each week that grows religious folk not true holy saints! Our huge testing of your body shows it in detail at the start of this article.... so hows that?  

In minute 50:00-51:47 he tells you you MUST submit to the program and the tithe goes to the NT local assembly. 
* Chapter and verse? HE HAS NONE!!   

To close it off at minute 53:49 he says this:
"tithing was commanded before the law, during the law and after the law".
*This is a big lie as after the law, he has NOT shown ONE VERSE IN THE NT that teaches the giving of a tithe by gentiles. 

Note: If you notice, I do not have a lot of verses quoted in my comments. The reason is we do not have ANY verses in the NT (after the gospels) that teaches or even mentions a tithe for gentiles. What else can be said? This is like Wallace saying gentiles must put tassels on their garments to serve God like Jesus did. Since there are NO verses to support it, what can be said? His argument claiming the tithe was before the law is moot until he starts teaching that men must lop off their foreskin still to please God as that too started before the law to Israel as well. ( so did clean and unclean food laws as well / see Noah ) 

What you have here is men like Wallace and Bullen that have built man made religious Sunday system that needs MONEY to function. And like the good Baptists they model, they use the BEST means possible to get your money into their hands.... the OT tithe. Allowing you to act via Gods spirit to use your mone for his glory... oh that wont do! But as I have showed you there is NO basis for it so it must be rejected as a lie/false teaching! 

Here is a article on why tithing is not for today:

This also shows again...  they cannot be trusted for truth so beware will you?

We do not teach lies to get anyone's money as we do not take anyone's money. Like Paul, we work to not be a burden on anyone.
Why do you teach lies to get peoples money Mr Wallace?

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God be praised

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