Get Moving!

Americans are a very mobile people and they most often have the ability to move, when they really want to.
I have noticed that people in this nation / culture will move / change residency for many reasons such as:
weather, jobs, children, grand children, hobbies, health, retirement and friends.
Sadly, one thing I rarely see people move for is the love of brethren and to find biblical unity in a true NT body. How very sad....
I realize some in extreme cases cannot move and some are called to stay where they are and that is well understood. But for those who say most churches are corrupt, that they really want a godly body and are looking for biblical fellowship; they would never consider a move. Not even to unite for the glory of God and it is shameful. I believe two key factors are at work here:
1) there is a real LACK OF LOVE in the so called body of Christ and per God's Word ( 1 John ) that questions if they are of God at all?
2) most hide from biblical accountability wanting to live their life their way taking their time to leave sin and not wanting to be held accountable the Word.
Both are very disturbing and not God honoring!
If you read the New Testament (starting in Acts) it does not take long to see God designed the NT body and how it should function for His glory, its growth, protection of the saints and preaching of the gospel. When we go away from that model and say "we will do it our way", we are in sin and we need to repent.
Paul told us to keep the traditions he handed down:
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
2 Thess 2:15
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
Acts 2
The early NT body was close, tight knit, loving, holy and accountable in local house assemblies. They worked to grow up, disciple others, preach the gospel and be overseen by godly elders in time. It is for your own good as well as your own growth and obedience to God. Your very eternity could well hinge on this factor as others near you could help you get off the milk and on the meat and even remain in the faith. (see 1 Cor 3)

I will go out on a limb but; it is the truth none the less.
In the years we have been striving to be a house body; hundreds have reached out and complained they have NO godly fellowship at all. But 99% of the time when asked, would you move near one or are you ready for biblical NT holy life and accountability with saints; they run off! I will also tell you that of the people we know who either once were united to a biblical body and left or refused to BE one or move to unite to one, they have ALWAYS gone backwards in their faith, not forward over the years. I am not saying you cant grow without other true believers but I am saying MOST all people just do not grow without them. This is a cold hard fact!
We love claimed believers enough to warn them that they really ONLY have 2 choices:
1) Either study, hold fast and get into the Word to BE His Holy obedient body right where you are so God can use you right there
2) fellowship long distance/move to unite with other saints that you know of that are in the full truth so you can all love/grow together and glorify God.
There is NO other way that is biblical and other paths you choose (your flesh / false doctrine) will lead to sin and destruction!
Have you ever moved in the past? If so, why?
Would you move for God and His people today?
Of if a move is out, are you striving in Gods Word and BEING His body there getting off the milk and going out preaching the Word to reach others in His name right there?
No need to email or call me with the answer. Ponder it in your own life will you.

Please know we are here to help you in the faith.

See our bible resources below and let me know how I can 
help you in the faith?

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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