Did you know satan has a false holy spirit that deceives people? 2 Corinthians 11:4
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
They include things like:
* Slain in the spirit (being knocked over and out by God's Spirit
* Babbling in tongues without order / interpretation
* Feelings of heat / tingling on your body
* Crying for no reason and for long periods
* Weak legs and trembling knees
* Uncontrollable laughter on and on (holy laughter)
* Feeling the presence of God or the Holy Spirit
* Visiting heaven or hell
* Seeing Jesus in person or in a vision
*hearing audible voices
Note: I want to make sure this is very clear that we are NOT saying a person could not feel sorrow over sin and cry or be overwhelmed with guilt and go to their knees over it as they pray. Those are indeed HUMAN "physical / emotional reasons" that could happen. But they are NOT directly caused BY the Holy Spirit of God as we dont see that is scripture. (he brings conviction, teaching and inner joy) Many false and heretical groups with false spirits are showing these extra biblical signs so beware.
It is very important that we identify these areas and determine if man made religion or the enemy has allowed us to build our faith foundation / conversion experiences on a sandy soil vs the rock of God. Our testimony affects our faith and our witness amen?
Jesus warned of this is in Matthew 7
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
What we have found in our experiences with others is many have had these strange physical experiences and they tend to lean on them vs the Word and spirit of God. This causes them to be weak on the truth of the Word ( compromised ) and easily deceived by their flesh, false teachers and the enemy. We must root out the false ways and rest on the truth of God alone as our foundation. We must be in the truth and the spirit per John 4:24.
First, we need to state and verify it is clear from scripture that God is no longer visiting or talking to people today and a study of scripture supports this. See this article on that topic:
Next, we must look at facts and see that these strange things were NOT common in the claimed Christian world until about the beginning of the 1900's after the Azusa Street/charismatic / pentecostal movement that has grown into the New Apostolic Refomation cult and it has grown all over the world. These groups have come to embrace a spiritual harlotry that looks NOTHING like the Holy Spirit of God and the bible but resembles the occult satanic spirits of kundulini masters.
In these places the practice of slain in the spirit has emerged (falling dead in the spirit) and it is not rooted in the bible but in occult / man made religion like the pentecostals and NAR places.
It must be rejected as false and demonic for the reasons we list below.

See this article on that:
If you do your research you will find that there is something called the "serpent spirit" that has for thousands of years worked in new age, Hindu and occult religions / places. It causes people to fain, shake, cry, scream, convulse and the like. It is not of God but of satan and demons. It is a false spirit that has deceived millions in so called Christian places and so we must speak out against it.
Go here to see video clips of Hindu occult meetings that use the same exact occult spirit ways as the charismatics:
We must test these strange experiences to God's Word and the example of the Holy Spirit moving in the early body of Christ that we are to imitate and follow. (2 Thessalonians 2:15) If we look at scripture in the time of the Holy Spirit moved the MOST powerful, (the book of Acts) we cannot find any, not even one single example of ANY of the above physical things done by the Holy Spirit of God at conversion in a believers life.
In Acts 2 we see the Spirit fall on the group...
An act of God yes, but still no physical falling down or heat or crying uncotrollably...none. Tongues was active then but nono of th eothe rweird events took place did they?
You can search the scriptures and you will not find any strange physical happenings like we see people reporting so often today. What you will find is people falling face first in a worship position if they got a visit from Christ: but that is not happening any long anyway and it is not slain or anything like the weird physical outbreaks we see all over today! (places like Brownsville / Lakeland etc.)
The common thing we also hear is feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit.This too is NOT ever mentioned in scripture nor is th epractice of seeking God's presence. That is a non existent pursuit per God's Holy Word. Seeking such things is extra biblical and dangerous.
This article explains that is more detail:
This article is on exposing getting Wrecked in the spirit:
https://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2019/11/holy-spirit-wrecked-emotionalism-is-not.html Jesus said the spirit is like the wind....
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Simply put, the gospel to eternal life and receiving God's new life is NOT a physical experience with the happenings we have exposed here that seem to sweep so many away. It is a work of the Spirit in us that comes from faith in Christ's work, repentance, being born again, holiness / obedience as fruit and enduring in that faith. That is the gospel to eternal life per God's Word. You do not need to feel heat, fall down, hear voices, feel queasy, cry out of control or anything at all. I was born again, my wife was born again and we know others born of God's spirit that never had these strange manifestations at all. We also showed that the saints in the bible never had these strange thing happen to them either. If you want fruit of being born again; it is a person who produces much fruit in Christ via John 15 / NOT those who do strange things in the flesh.
I believe based on my research, experience and scripture, it is a combination of peoples out of control emotions, the power of the mind, bad theology/ peer pressure from man made religion and yest, satan and his demons who work to deceive the masses with a false holy spirit. We would ask you to test how you were converted to the faith in Christ (and if you have had experiences since then) Was it by the biblical gospel and true biblical conversion unto new life and frit or was it some strange physical happening? Then perhapse you need to test your fondation all together so you are biblical and solid in the faith per 2 Corinthians 13:5. We have seen people who rested in these unbiblical experiences and it did create issues for them and their restimony to others. We want better foor folks and so we hope this article full of truth will help?
Note: I want to make sure this is very clear that we are NOT saying a person could not feel sorrow over sin and cry or be overwhelmed with guilt and go to their knees over it as they pray. Those are indeed HUMAN "physical / emotional reasons" that could happen. But they are NOT directly caused BY the Holy Spirit of God as we dont see that is scripture. (he brings conviction, teaching and inner joy) Many false and heretical groups with false spirits are showing these extra biblical signs so beware.
It is very important that we identify these areas and determine if man made religion or the enemy has allowed us to build our faith foundation / conversion experiences on a sandy soil vs the rock of God. Our testimony affects our faith and our witness amen?
Jesus warned of this is in Matthew 7
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
What we have found in our experiences with others is many have had these strange physical experiences and they tend to lean on them vs the Word and spirit of God. This causes them to be weak on the truth of the Word ( compromised ) and easily deceived by their flesh, false teachers and the enemy. We must root out the false ways and rest on the truth of God alone as our foundation. We must be in the truth and the spirit per John 4:24.
First, we need to state and verify it is clear from scripture that God is no longer visiting or talking to people today and a study of scripture supports this. See this article on that topic:
Next, we must look at facts and see that these strange things were NOT common in the claimed Christian world until about the beginning of the 1900's after the Azusa Street/charismatic / pentecostal movement that has grown into the New Apostolic Refomation cult and it has grown all over the world. These groups have come to embrace a spiritual harlotry that looks NOTHING like the Holy Spirit of God and the bible but resembles the occult satanic spirits of kundulini masters.
In these places the practice of slain in the spirit has emerged (falling dead in the spirit) and it is not rooted in the bible but in occult / man made religion like the pentecostals and NAR places.
It must be rejected as false and demonic for the reasons we list below.

See this article on that:
If you do your research you will find that there is something called the "serpent spirit" that has for thousands of years worked in new age, Hindu and occult religions / places. It causes people to fain, shake, cry, scream, convulse and the like. It is not of God but of satan and demons. It is a false spirit that has deceived millions in so called Christian places and so we must speak out against it.
Go here to see video clips of Hindu occult meetings that use the same exact occult spirit ways as the charismatics:
We must test these strange experiences to God's Word and the example of the Holy Spirit moving in the early body of Christ that we are to imitate and follow. (2 Thessalonians 2:15) If we look at scripture in the time of the Holy Spirit moved the MOST powerful, (the book of Acts) we cannot find any, not even one single example of ANY of the above physical things done by the Holy Spirit of God at conversion in a believers life.
In Acts 2 we see the Spirit fall on the group...
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.
6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
We see no physical manifestations / slain in the spirit at all.
We see no physical manifestations / slain in the spirit at all.
In Acts 19:6
And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.An act of God yes, but still no physical falling down or heat or crying uncotrollably...none. Tongues was active then but nono of th eothe rweird events took place did they?
You can search the scriptures and you will not find any strange physical happenings like we see people reporting so often today. What you will find is people falling face first in a worship position if they got a visit from Christ: but that is not happening any long anyway and it is not slain or anything like the weird physical outbreaks we see all over today! (places like Brownsville / Lakeland etc.)
The common thing we also hear is feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit.This too is NOT ever mentioned in scripture nor is th epractice of seeking God's presence. That is a non existent pursuit per God's Holy Word. Seeking such things is extra biblical and dangerous.
This article explains that is more detail:
This article is on exposing getting Wrecked in the spirit:
https://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2019/11/holy-spirit-wrecked-emotionalism-is-not.html Jesus said the spirit is like the wind....
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
John 3:8
Simply put, the gospel to eternal life and receiving God's new life is NOT a physical experience with the happenings we have exposed here that seem to sweep so many away. It is a work of the Spirit in us that comes from faith in Christ's work, repentance, being born again, holiness / obedience as fruit and enduring in that faith. That is the gospel to eternal life per God's Word. You do not need to feel heat, fall down, hear voices, feel queasy, cry out of control or anything at all. I was born again, my wife was born again and we know others born of God's spirit that never had these strange manifestations at all. We also showed that the saints in the bible never had these strange thing happen to them either. If you want fruit of being born again; it is a person who produces much fruit in Christ via John 15 / NOT those who do strange things in the flesh.
I believe based on my research, experience and scripture, it is a combination of peoples out of control emotions, the power of the mind, bad theology/ peer pressure from man made religion and yest, satan and his demons who work to deceive the masses with a false holy spirit. We would ask you to test how you were converted to the faith in Christ (and if you have had experiences since then) Was it by the biblical gospel and true biblical conversion unto new life and frit or was it some strange physical happening? Then perhapse you need to test your fondation all together so you are biblical and solid in the faith per 2 Corinthians 13:5. We have seen people who rested in these unbiblical experiences and it did create issues for them and their restimony to others. We want better foor folks and so we hope this article full of truth will help?
May God be praised!
God be praised!
Here is the biblical gospel / path to eternal life:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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