Holy Spirit Wrecked / Emotionalism is NOT of God

I have heard men say they got WRECKED by the Holy Spirit far too many times; so I need to write this as a grave warning!!!

This false emotionalism called "being WRECKED" by the Holy Spirit is a demonic / charismatic way that is growing in popularity so it must be addressed, exposed and rejected for God's glory. This goes perfectly with their false claim of being slain in the spirit as well; another false demonic way! ( see a article link on that at the end of this post ) 

This false way is being propagated inside man made false Sunday religion in the pentecostal places and they CLAIM that God's spirit moves in a way that causes the following things to happen:
*falling over
*preachers screaming and acting out of control
*out pouring of crying / over the top emotions
*feelings of warmth or other physical sensations
*slain in the spirit ( passed out ) 
*sometimes laughter 
*unbiblical tongues speaking / out of order / control
*jumping / running around
*erratic body motions / jerking / twitching
*chaos in the services that seems out of control

Here is one such false charismatic place with some videos as examples:

There have been many famous but demonic outpourings you can read about the Brownsville and Lakeland meetings that had these satanic manifestations as well. 

Go here to see video clips of Hindu occult meetings that use the same exact occult spirit ways as the charismatics:

These false ways are usually aided along by unbiblical loud instrumental emotional music that whips people into a emotional frenzy that again; is not of the Father. 

He is a God of order; not confusion!
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Cor 14;33

Please put on some discernment and use the bible as our guide. 
Read about Jesus and Paul's lives, the men we are told to imitate. 
1 Cor 11.1 / We see NOTHING like this at work in their holy godly lives at all so I want to be clear and short to the point: 
There is NO SCRIPTURES or ANY EXAMPLES in the bible that support such false ways at all. 


The only time you will see anything close to the Holy Spirit or God's presence "affecting people physically" is when they go down in awe or worship before him but it is NEVER passed out or out of control. No, it is always in a worshipful position under control and that is when God is appearing before them ( and that is NOT happening today in all of these occult acting religious places ) 

Some people try to use the Romans soldiers who fell back at Jesus words; as an example. But they were NOT slain in the spirit as they were not even believers. They were only affected by His PHYSICAL presence but NOT passed out, so that is a out of context very bad example.    

The Holy Spirit of God does NOT do such things to us in a physical way. Jesus told us exactly what He would do for us.

He came to comfort, convict and teach .... 
NOT ever to wreck us physically!

"If your holy spirit is wrecking you, you have a FALSE occult spirit"

Those who keep and practice such things are really walking in the flesh, seeking signs/wonders and God warns them they are already condemned. See Romans 8:1 
The men teaching / doing this false ways are usually:
*worldly, carnal, nregenerated, unbiblical in theology, double minded and untrained the deep truth's of God. 

Some history:
The pentecostal movement started recently in the early 1900's via a questionable unbiblical movement called Azusa Street and it has become more suspect and demonic with each passing year. 
Here is a brief warning of them in this article:

Moving on:
If this is NOT from the Father, who is it really from you ask? 
 If you do some simple research you will see these false spiritual physical manifestation/ways are much more like the false demonic Hindu ways called kundilini that has over taken the charismatic places and deceived them. Those occult Guru's use the same ways I described above as charismatics use and experience today so you need to be very cautious lest you be affected and swept away in their sin / false spirits. 
Satan himself has gone inside so called Christian places to deceive men who are not discerning / born of God. He is a angle of light.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Cor 11:14

These people are seeking after signs and wonders vs God's truth in scripture and that is exactly what Jesus warned about in the last days in Matthew 24. There will be many false teachers with signs and wonders ready to deceive many. Massive deception is going on today in these charismatic places as people seek feelings, emotions and false signs/wonders vs God's Holy Spirit that comes in truth peace and order NOT confusion or emotions. 

I challenge you to test these false places and these false ways like being wrecked, emotionalism or slain in the spirit. They are NOT of the Father.

Do not be deceived!!!!!

Physical Manifestations Exposed

Slain in the Spirit Exposed


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God be praised