Showing posts with label Homeless and Beggars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeless and Beggars. Show all posts

Meeting Drifter John


The life of a van dwelling preacher is never boring and today was no different. We stopped at a place I felt led to go to and I met John the drifter. We had lunch together and he and I talked about the Lord. He told me I could share this with you all with you to edify others.

He was headed to another state to get a new start after prison and a divorce. I am thankful to God I got to be right in his path so I shared the gospel and what God would have him do moving forward. 

You can hear several short audio clips of our long talk together:

My heart breaks for such people but I know he is closer to the kingdom of God then most church goers and bible teachers, he really is! We all have decisions to make and paths to follow. I pray John heard some truth, clings to it and chooses the right way moving ahead. He knows how to reach me to be encouraged in eternal truth. 

See the gospel to eternal life here:

God be praised


This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources:

Beggar man with a Violin Gets the Gospel Truth


Nov 2022 / Florida

We are in our winter preaching grounds and we pulled into a parking lot. I saw this man playing a violin (often they are faking it) taking peoples money, in the name of God. I made two videos: 1) to warn you saints of such con men and 2) to go rebuke him face to face / give him the gospel truth. Watch and be edified:

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:

Street Beggars in America Are MOSTLY Con Artist's

 We were out on the gospel road in van life street ministry and I came across this family doing deception in the streets. I have seen this many times before as well all over the country. Watch the video and ...... 

do NOT be deceived! 

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:

Witnessing to Beggar/Scammers in Montana

 We got ready to roll out of this town and this rig rolled up near us:

It was a man with a cardboard sign begging for gas/money and a woman with him. We see beggars/pan handlers all the time as we travel / minister the gospel. It was easy to see this couple were not too bad off as they had a newer vehicle then ours, a very nice camper on the back, they looked clean and well fed. (they even had a lil pet dog)

Hear the audio of me giving them gospel cards and calling him out in love as we drove by:

This gospel summer trip, we have seen a ton of these people. And for some reason of late; I have taken on a bit of a righteous anger over it. Oh I have mercy but; most all of them can work and they do/will not. We see cripples with one arm or very old men working hard full time as these healthy men/women scam for their daily bread. The town we were in has gone way down hill due to them. These types take over, we see lots of trash all over, messy camp sites/tents on private property, near naked men/women sleeping on the streets, drugs and drunken-ness and massive begging daily, on most corners. 

In this case, right by his begging spot was a sign offering $20.50 a hour at Walmart. 

NEVER EVER give them cash folks! 

They will just buy smokes, drugs or booze, most times. It is loving to call them to repent and if they are well meaning, humble/hungry, give them a meal and a offer of help to stop their false/lying ways. 

I am finding some of them do not even want food these days as they expect cold hard cash; with no questions asked or they get mad! These people in America are "most often" professional lazy scam artists so beware! As they say in parks, do NOT feed the animals. I say; do not feed their bad habits but give them the truth of God, lest they perish.(meeting some basic needs in some cases is a good thing and I like to be led by the spirit and wisdom in that case by case) 

The bible is clear about sluggards and those who do not work:

Here is a link with various stories of our witnessing to beggars:

Feed them the gospel most as that is what they need!

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:   

Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Dontperish Facebook:  

Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog

Go here for audio teachings

Go here for video's: 

Here is our street preaching videos: 



Montana Homeless and Heart Aches

This weekend we had the pleasure of meeting a young homeless man Justin in Montana as we preached at a unbiblical music event. We  were able to help him and we were moved to emotion as he had some wounded feet/various issues. I wont go into the details but; these experiences arranged by God; always show us what it is to lower ourselves and really serve others. 

We got to love on him and shared Jesus; he was so very thankful. He ended up watching our van for us (for pay) and he was very faithful to it because wicked religious people wanted to rip our signs down. He heard the gospel and embraced it saying he had things to change in his life to be able to follow Jesus. I am hoping he stays in touch with me so we can encourage him further in that. 

Then as we worked on line, I saw another older homeless man. (that is him in the picture reading the gospel card) He was so lonely and sad looking so I witnessed the gospel to him, offered help and gave him the hope of the Lord. He thanked me but; he went of on his way as they all do. It is why we are out here; to reach the lost!

At a gas station, I saw a tired looking man sitting alone on the curb. I offered him some hope / help with the gospel and he was all smiles and he walked off. I always hope they contact me for real change but few ever do. 

This all weighs on my emotions as I feel for these people; yes even though most are scammers, I know this. But they are such lost souls and they are someones son, daughter or father. The sad truth is unless they want to end their own ways (sin) and change, you cant really help them much but preach the gospel, fill some bear needs and show love. It is so telling as these people are dirty, smelling bad, rotting teeth, filthy clothing, old plastic bags full of their belongings and matted greasy hair. Yet they are often more kind, loving and accepting of "hearing the gospel" then the false religious types who usually call the police on us. Jesus talked about that in the parable of the Pharisee and publican. See; Luke 18

The Lord seems to always put them right in my path so I keep reaching out to them with Christ, help and hope. It is very rewarding and draining at the same time seeing them live in ways that are lonely,  harsh, not safe or wise. But Christ said the poor will always be with us didn't He?

Oh Lord, give us more inside of us to keep going on and telling your truth.  

See many homeless articles here:

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:

Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: 

Here is our street preaching videos:

Witnessing To A Homeless Palm Tree Camper


We van camped at a nice location and there was a homeless man there who had a camp set up in some palm trees. I went over to talk with him and it was a real blessing. I am thankful to God that He puts in the right place at the right time to meet such people to give the hope of the gospel. Listen to the audio below:

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:

Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's:

Witnessing to Luke the Drifter and More

This is the van dwelling life as a street preacher!


We just rolled into the parking lot at a Walmart and we this man named Luke saw our signs and came over to talk. That is one thing I like about our old van rig and its unique look. It makes us approachable as if I had a brand new fancy camper, I would never meet these types of folks. We like the lowly way as it keeps us humble!

As we were talking; a young woman brought him food and he was carrying more food so he was not hungry. (he had a cute old dog and that seems to draw folks in this pet loving culture) He told me he was traveling through and had befriended a bus driving man / his girlfriend. He was riding with them on to another town it seems. (see the old bus in the background) I shared the gospel truth with him and he claimed to be out handing out bibles??? By his fruit/ways I doubted he had read much of the Holy Word or acted to obey it. (beggars often say what they think you want to hear, not sure about Luke?) I reminded him that God blesses those repent then who obey Him and outside of that repentance, to new life with obedience there is no hope to come. He smiled and just agreed. Then he told me about a Jesus hippy camp ("jesus freaks" them call themselves but they mostly smoke weed and have free love) with 300 people in the woods in another town. He said I needed to go preach there as we was just there. (This is how we find out about things often out here) There is a entire un-belly world out here that you cant see from your living room couch or your porch.

I told him I cared for his soul and loved him. Then he said he loved me too and he walked away with a gospel card and my cell number.

*I really care for these lost/drifting souls but till they surrender to Christ, they have no hope. He has my contact info.


No sooner did he leave us; then some lady came up to try and preach a love only gospel to us and she left fast when we tried to help her in God's full truth. Amazingly I had just seconds before published a article on how a NO Fear but love only gospel is NOT of God! 

Here it is:


On another day......

We were eating lunch and a beggar came over to ask for cash. Since we do not give out cash (they may buy drugs or alcohol) we offered him our food and he also asked for water. I had just got our water refilled that morning and I had a whole gallon for him. That is him walking away with a of cool fresh water on a hot day. Best of all; he got the living water of Jesus Christ!!!



The Fathers timing is always perfect and no day is ever boring out here on the gospel road. We do love this van dwelling life for Christ! 

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's:



Witnessing to Keith the Panhandler

We pulled int a new town in Florida and I saw this man panhandling so I went to give him the good news. Listen in:

                                       (I blocked out part of the video for purity reasons) 

God be praised


Texas Beggar Gets the Gospel


Witnessing is a dangerous thing out in the world. I shared God's truth with a Texas beggar and at the end; his little sausage dog tried to attack me. Sadly, this man will not go to a shelter as they will not let his dog in so; he sleeps outside. (he says anyway, who knows the truth!) Listen in and be blessed....

God is good!


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's:

Witnessing to a Fellow Van Dweller and Angry Homeless Man


Out here on the gospel road, timing and trust can be everything!


We just pulled in from a day of street preaching and I saw a camper van parked off a ways. I went outside to take a quick walk and the mans dog came charging up to me. He yelled at the dog but I said no problem and he made friends with me fast. We began to talk and it turns out he is a fellow van dweller traveling through. He was headed from New York going all the way to Phoenix. We talked about this life and he told me he had redone several vans. 

I switched the conversation to spiritual matters and was able to preach the gospel to him and encourage him to go see my van dwelling tip page and the gospel. 

If I did not go out to walk and his dog did not charge me, we never would have met. Glory to God. 

It reminds me of this verse: 

Micah 7:7 - Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.

To be honest, I wait on God a lot these days. 

See there is not much I plan way out in advanced as a street preacher. We kind of have a few short/long term plans but; I leave it wide open to change/adjust and God seems to guide our path daily. We have to trust Him for timing like a child trusts his father amen? 


Yesterday as we street preached outside a Salvation Army place in a homeless area of a Oklahoma town, I had to deal with a angry homeless man. I was preaching and he was yelling at me. At one point he said he would come over and shut me up but I kept preaching. If you know them they can be drunk, on drugs or demonic at times or all at the same time! He walked over by our van and was looking in the windows so I walked over to him. He wanted food so we helped him there and I talked to him about God's truth. He calmed down. But as we went back to our street preaching, I saw him take a large knife out of his pocket and in anger he was throwing it to stick it in a tree and he looked like he was good at it too. That day as any; I had to trust God was in control so I could minister to him. I always say its a good day to die for the Lord and I have to mean it or I would be foolish with my life. No one will kill or harm me till my Father allows it. I told sister debbie I do not fear as I believe God has a hedge of protection for us. Oh, I know someday that may not be there and it will be my time to get hurt bad or maybe die for the cause. You think that is what Jesus meant when he said lose your life in Matt 10 vs just sitting in a comfy pew every Sunday men? 


Proverbs 3:6 - In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I will say I was never good at patience/timing or trusting God as I was a doer and I always took control got it done. But out here, I cannot control much with all the unknowns, dangers and pitfalls so we have to trust in the Lord fully. Remember I am out here on my own with my godly wife to look after and God is so good to us!

How are you doing at these today God's timing and trust? 

Let me say that stepping out into your ministry does that to a man. If you sit all cozy and doing the same thing in the same place daily, you take control but have no God's timing or trust in God. I encourage you to step out men and do something different to grow. I mean come try life out ministering in the dark world to total strangers, in strange new places even if it is not your calling on a vacation. You will grow, you will stop being in charge and you WILL learn to wait / trust on God; trust me!

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go to our videos here:
Go here for audio teachings