Montana Homeless and Heart Aches

This weekend we had the pleasure of meeting a young homeless man Justin in Montana as we preached at a unbiblical music event. We  were able to help him and we were moved to emotion as he had some wounded feet/various issues. I wont go into the details but; these experiences arranged by God; always show us what it is to lower ourselves and really serve others. 

We got to love on him and shared Jesus; he was so very thankful. He ended up watching our van for us (for pay) and he was very faithful to it because wicked religious people wanted to rip our signs down. He heard the gospel and embraced it saying he had things to change in his life to be able to follow Jesus. I am hoping he stays in touch with me so we can encourage him further in that. 

Then as we worked on line, I saw another older homeless man. (that is him in the picture reading the gospel card) He was so lonely and sad looking so I witnessed the gospel to him, offered help and gave him the hope of the Lord. He thanked me but; he went of on his way as they all do. It is why we are out here; to reach the lost!

At a gas station, I saw a tired looking man sitting alone on the curb. I offered him some hope / help with the gospel and he was all smiles and he walked off. I always hope they contact me for real change but few ever do. 

This all weighs on my emotions as I feel for these people; yes even though most are scammers, I know this. But they are such lost souls and they are someones son, daughter or father. The sad truth is unless they want to end their own ways (sin) and change, you cant really help them much but preach the gospel, fill some bear needs and show love. It is so telling as these people are dirty, smelling bad, rotting teeth, filthy clothing, old plastic bags full of their belongings and matted greasy hair. Yet they are often more kind, loving and accepting of "hearing the gospel" then the false religious types who usually call the police on us. Jesus talked about that in the parable of the Pharisee and publican. See; Luke 18

The Lord seems to always put them right in my path so I keep reaching out to them with Christ, help and hope. It is very rewarding and draining at the same time seeing them live in ways that are lonely,  harsh, not safe or wise. But Christ said the poor will always be with us didn't He?

Oh Lord, give us more inside of us to keep going on and telling your truth.  

See many homeless articles here:

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:

Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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