Witnessing Experiences: American Indian, Flesh Eating Foot, Mississippi Calling and Don't Drink that Water!


 As we travel to preach, I meet all kinds if people in all kinds of situations. I wanted to share (quickly) some witnessing I had just today to edify the saints:

*I met a American Indian man at a truck stop and we talked about bible truth vs his Indian folk lore. Listen in here:


* I went in to get some ice and a trucker on crutches started up a conversation with me. Turns out he took a shower in a truck stop in Feb (without shower shoes) on and he got a FLESH EATING bacteria. It took 1/3 of his foot and 3 toes. I have heard of this but NEVER met a man who had it. He told me the emergency room doctor was from Somalia, that he saw the foot and "asap" rushed him to surgery. He had seen that flesh eating issue in Africa before. Amazing! I witnessed the gospel to him and invited him to  line obible study and he thanked me.

*As we preached at a fleshly music fest in Billings Mt / the man putting it on Sean Feucht (who I have exposed) came out, mocked and took a picture of my sign, then he ran off. He then put our picture on his FB page (with our website) and our hits blew up (he is a very popular NAR false teacher) The result was many people contacting me to mock and some to talk about truth. One such truth seeker was a younger man from Mississippi who called me. We talked till 2 am, I shared how corrupt man made religion is and we plan to bible study together. Remember; God uses wicked mockers ..... for His glory!

See these link about that music fest:


*I asked a counter person if I could get water for their hose and she said yes. As I was filling jugs another male worker came over and said hey, you cant do that so I explained she said it was ok. He said its bad well water and I said oh, it is just for hand washing not drinking. He said oh ok then, go ahead. After I was done, I witnessed the gospel to him and went on my way and he thanked me. I got water and He got a chance at living water!

Just a typical day in the life of a traveling street preacher 

Lord thank you for using us as we are not worthy but strive to be!


Here is the biblical gospel:

Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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Here is our street preaching videos: