Witnessing to Beggar/Scammers in Montana

 We got ready to roll out of this town and this rig rolled up near us:

It was a man with a cardboard sign begging for gas/money and a woman with him. We see beggars/pan handlers all the time as we travel / minister the gospel. It was easy to see this couple were not too bad off as they had a newer vehicle then ours, a very nice camper on the back, they looked clean and well fed. (they even had a lil pet dog)

Hear the audio of me giving them gospel cards and calling him out in love as we drove by:

This gospel summer trip, we have seen a ton of these people. And for some reason of late; I have taken on a bit of a righteous anger over it. Oh I have mercy but; most all of them can work and they do/will not. We see cripples with one arm or very old men working hard full time as these healthy men/women scam for their daily bread. The town we were in has gone way down hill due to them. These types take over, we see lots of trash all over, messy camp sites/tents on private property, near naked men/women sleeping on the streets, drugs and drunken-ness and massive begging daily, on most corners. 

In this case, right by his begging spot was a sign offering $20.50 a hour at Walmart. 

NEVER EVER give them cash folks! 

They will just buy smokes, drugs or booze, most times. It is loving to call them to repent and if they are well meaning, humble/hungry, give them a meal and a offer of help to stop their false/lying ways. 

I am finding some of them do not even want food these days as they expect cold hard cash; with no questions asked or they get mad! These people in America are "most often" professional lazy scam artists so beware! As they say in parks, do NOT feed the animals. I say; do not feed their bad habits but give them the truth of God, lest they perish.(meeting some basic needs in some cases is a good thing and I like to be led by the spirit and wisdom in that case by case) 

The bible is clear about sluggards and those who do not work:


Here is a link with various stories of our witnessing to beggars:


Feed them the gospel most as that is what they need!

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:


Here is a 10 point biblical test:


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