Fire of God Abused by NAR

The trend in false man made religion these days is the seeking of signs and wonders with FIRE via the New Apostolic Reformation cult and those who promote them. I have already exposed their false gospel and heretical doctrines. (see the NAR exposed below) I also exposed many of their other demonic ways like slain in the spirit, drunk in the spirit and their emotionalism in the false joy of the Holy ghost claims that they say they get from God. (jumping dancing, screaming body surfing through crowds, falling over, uncontrolled crying etc etc) See those links below. 

For this article; I have a warning for you about the so called FIRE they claim to call down via God's spirit. Here is a example of it in this video from a false teacher name Sean Feucht:(who I rebuked to his face on video and you can see it at the link below)

                    "Fuego in Spanish is fire"

Note: This is NOT how God's true Holy Spirit works by men counting..... 1 2 3!

They claim God is sending a FIRE or revival but God's Word NEVER promises a revival in the last days but a great falling away. It is a false spirit revival and this article covers that topic:

The result of this "so called fire" is often strange spirit manifestations like out of order tongues, falling over, laughing uncontrolled, jumping around, fleshly dancing, heat flashes all over the body, screaming, convulsions, sweating, wild rowdy ways false alter calls, and the like. None of it is of God nor is it EVER modeled in the NT word in the bible. It is either hyped emotionalism or it is demonic and of false spirits/false signs Jesus warned of in Matt 24. 

They will try to tell you that Jesus came to "bring fire" and Jesus did say that. The truth is that it has two important parts/meanings. One already fulfilled and one to come. In Luke 12 Jesus says:

I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?

 1) The fire he brought to His body was completed in Acts 2 when the Spirit first fell on saints with tongues of fire on their heads. (you do not see that happening today as it was a one time act. The Holy Spirit of God does not set you on fire in any physical way today as it was NEVER modeled in the first century bodies at all. 

2) Jesus will bring fire of judgement and we read about that in 2 Thess 1:8-9  In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

These false men are messing with fire and they are going to get burned/judged as they are NOT of God. 

I have an article below that goes into detail on the fire in the NT word. It is very telling as most all of the fire in the NT word is hell, real fire and then judgement fire. NEVER do we see fire as they are doing it to promote false signs and wonders. 

Here is a small part of the article:

Of the 79 times the word "fire" is used in the NT scriptures:

30.. times fire is used to describe actual eternal hell

17.. times fire describes God's judgement

14 ...times it speaks of fire as real fire

7.. times it describes God or angels 

4 ...times does fire speak of a actual "baptism on men"

3 ...times fire is said to burn off a mans works

1 ...time fire is spoken of about God

1 ...time disciples ask for fire to consume men / they get rebuked

1...time fire speaks of satan's action in the last days

1 ... time fire speaks of angels/ministers

Did you see something amazing there?

Only 4 times out of 79 times used does fire ever speak of an actual "baptism on men" in God's Word! This was what happening in Acts 2 and this is very telling and a nail in the coffin of their so called calling down fire ways.

See that entire article here:

What arrogance of these heretical NAR false men to think like a Holy Prophet of old; they can call down the fire of God's Spirit. It is a satanic scam and a mockery of the Fathers Word. 

Please be warned as we all need to be seeking truth and holiness in the scriptures NOT this snake oil way of emotional false fleshly fire of modern day con men with doctrine of demons.

See this link (with many links/false teachers) to educate you on the NAR heretic issues:

See this link with proof that their slain in the spirit / drunken ways are of false men and of satan:

See this link on their so called WRECKED WAYS:

Be wise as a serpent (Matt 10) and do not be deceived by these snakes! If people claim they have been touched by God's fire, you need to test their gospel, doctrines, associations and their fruit; lest you be deceived!

See our resources below to help you in the biblical faith.  

God be praised 


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