Daily Truth

Aug 2019 

We recently stopped and took a restful break at one of our favorite places. It's near Hershey, Neb...
It's a beautiful clear lake we camp at for free:)

We love God's creation...


Sister Deb wrote an encouraging post about the not being deceived by our flesh, the peace of God and how we can be complete in Him even if we are alone. Click the picture to read it.


Now... down the gospel road we go!!!

Are you Sober Minded?

Here is a very POWERFUL verse:
As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
Proverbs 26:11

The vomit is our past SIN and fleshly ways and the dog is US as we could easily could fall back into old ungodly ways.

Be on guard saints of God.. lest you fall back into your own vomit!

Want to see an amazing lighting show? Go here:
