Sower of Discord Proverbs 6 Explained

                                    DISCORD DOLLARS

If I had a dollar for every false teacher I have rightly exposed who called me the sower of discord, I would have a mountain of dollars!!!


I do find it amazing that those in man made Sunday denominations /false ministries who cannot seem to find the many verses that expose their sins. Like in God's Word about a biblical gospel, enduring to salvation, godly dress, head coverings, holiness, coming out of the culture, warnings of pagan holidays, vain traditions of man and lording over pastors as they practice them EVERY Sunday or all over the internet. The truth is they seem to have perfectly memorized the one verse from Proverbs 6 about anyone who .... sows discord among them. 

As I said, I get this verse thrown at me often when I point out the sin and false doctrine of these man made places / ministries so in this article I wanted to explain the verse and unpack its real meaning so we can all be in the truth vs error.

Proverbs 6:19
he that soweth discord among brethren.

First, let us look at the word. 

In the Hebrew for discord is.... Medawn

it means strife and contention 

In English we know it means someone who just causes issues or strife. The problem here is we cant stop there. See Jesus Himself caused issues and strife with the pharisees so does God HATE Jesus ways? Paul also caused the same strife within the Pharisees ways, was he a sower of discord? No not at all... read on for the answer. 

It is vital that we need to note the word discord must be seen in light of the rest of the scripture... for context.  

A false witness that speaketh lies

This fits perfectly with the rest of Proverbs 6 as there God describes what he HATES:

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies.....

 and verse 19...  he that soweth discord among brethren.

Notice how wicked and mischief are also used? We all know wicked is evil... but mischief really means idolatry, iniquity and wickedness as well. All of this is rooted in the enemy satan.. his pride / lies as Jesus told us he is the Father of lies. (John 8:44)  
Note: Jesus also said satan was a murderer so that fits with shedding of innocent blood in verse 17. (John 8:44 ) 

If we look at the verses ahead of the 7 things God hates, verses 14 &15 it becomes even more clear:

Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord.
15 Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.

So the man who is sowing discord God hates and He hates a liar, evil and promoting falsehoods.... not the truth. 

Modern pastors will tell you that you are in discord if you do not go along with ALL of their teachings but they are LIARS!

You are NOT a sower of discord if you reject false teaching and stand for truth, lest we make Jesus ad Paul sowers of discord.

Knowing this; can you now see that it is in fact a wicked, lying and deceitful thing to call a man striving for God's full truth / who is exposing the lies of false teachers, a sower of discord? 

The truth is; it is the very false teachers and any religious body that claims Christ who keeps lies, sin, false doctrines and lies.... who are really... the true sowers of discord per God!

Apostle Paul would agree 100% as he said this in Romans 16:17
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

*The key thing to note is those who cause division. discord... are teaching contrary to doctrine... 
 lies. Note: doctrine means instructions 

What an amazing picture the Word of God paints for us in all of this. Those who are causing division and discord are those keeping lies and bad doctrine; NOT the man striving to uphold ALL of God's doctrines as it was once delivered to the saints! (See Jude)  

Question to ask yourself: 
Since we are indeed called to test all things 1 Thess 5:21 and expose evil Eph 5 and call out/mark those in sin and false ways 1 Tim 5;20 and Romans 16:17 is it then EVER correct to call out someone a sower of discord who is rightly in the truth and exposing false teaching, false teachers and false man made religious bodies? 

No, it is never correct to do so as TRUTH is what we are to be judging by. If that truth does indeed divide, it is not sinful but serving God's purpose.  

Jesus said he came to divide ( see Luke 12 ) and Paul said truth made him men's enemy ( Gal 4:16 ) 

"We are not to call any man a sower of discord if what he is saying is TRUE per God's Word".

Fact: if you are going to call a man a sower of discord you have to also PROVE he is in lies, deceit and false hood or you are making a false witness against him and God hates that too!!!! See the 10 commands and Proverbs 6   

Again to be clear; a sower of discord not based in truth is not a good thing nor is anyone who is clinging to and teaching false ways ( lies/deceit ) as that God does hate! This is a wake up call to modern pastors and so many with false ministries out there today!

Note: it is my contention modern pastors and men in ministry use this false adhominem attack to silence those exposing them to try and keep the focus off of their sin / false teachings. Thankfully by rightly studying the Word of God ( 2 Tim 2:15 ) we can see clear to the truth and glorify God. 

A truth teller.... is NEVER a sower of discord!  

In the end, if you are part of any Sunday denominational religion, any ministry or ANY group that has lies, bad doctrine or has made up its own ways/traditions by not clinging to all of God's truth, you best repent asap!!  You are a sower of discord and are a.... hated abomination.... to my God per Proverbs 6; as I have clearly shown you! 

Let this be a warning to all teaching/keeping lies .....

Repent today and obey the gospel of God while you can! ( see the gospel below )  


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