Water Storage for Van Dwelling Life

This page will point you to a biblical van dwelling life via the gospel to eternal life: https://www.dontperish.com/the-gospel.html  

Here is a link of our daily van dwelling posts: https://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2019/12/van-dwellers-preaching-christ-2020.html

Water for Van Life 

A major issue is having enough water on hand for your needs in the van. Since we did not want inside plumbing, we went the simple route for water. You will have to determine how much is enough and how to use it? Here is how we store and use water daily in the van.  

* we use plain old gallon jugs inside the van that sit on a shelf. You can buy water or refill it cheap at Walmart usually. 

*We use 6 gallon camping jugs and have several stored on the back of our van always filled and ready. 

*we have used the 3 gallon jugs with a spout on them for a nice hand wash station or to rinse of things as well.  

You can get creative in your van but having water on hand is a must as some times you wont be able to find any while on the road. make a water plan as it is critical. 

Here are our suggestions for water in van life

1) use it very sparingly ( finds ways to NOT waste water / we can take a shower with 1 gallon of water each  )
2) look for places like truck stops, gas stations and parks that have free refills and fill up.... ALWAYS!!!!
3) have a emergency water filter on hand in case you need to ever get some from a lake or creek then you can filter it to drink later. 

As always plan and then plan some more.....

Ah clean water.... what a blessing!

Note: I will post a article about a simple cheap rain catcher you can easily make to get water on rainy days. That coming soon.....

Go back to our van dwelling page of you want to go on and learn more about this awesome life:


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised