Compost Pile for Homestead Preparing

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Compost Pile

Gardening/growing some food is a big part of homestead life, if you have even a tiny place to do it. 

It does not take acres of land but it does take effort, hard work and planning. You can grow food on your porch in containers. ( more on that soon and we will go into the garden topic in other posts in great detail)  To grow food, you need good soil and this article is about making compost to get that good soil.

I recently decided to add a compost pile to our homestead in Missouri. Basically a compost pile is leaves, manure, grass clippings and house scraps ( no meat or fats ) that you allow to decay and create good bacteria material. You will then add it to your garden and your plants will thank you! I used simple materials I had on hand so the cost was next to nothing. 

Here is how you do it:

1) pick a shaded area ( not sunny ) away from the house as it can have a smell and draw critters
2) make it as big or small based on the size of your garden. I will have two compost piles/bins going as when one is ready to go, I start filling the new one up for next year.
3) create a holder/bin so the compost mulch is held in place to decompose over time
4)  I used 1 piece of tin on back, then some logs for walls and wood slabs to hold the pile down. (See my picture / took me maybe 45 minutes to build )

5) fill it with leaves, grass clippings, manure and house scraps.
6) water it down when dry and allow the rain to soak it good. 
7 ) watch it and as you add material, take a pitch fork and turn it over once a week in the summer time or when it is warm outside
( winter time just toss new material on top and stir it all up if it is not frozen stiff )
8) once it all starts to look like dirt, you take it out and add it to your garden soil/plants. You work this compost into your soil by adding a layer on top of several inches then work it in.

Note: the time it takes to be made into ready to use compost can very on location and conditions / you will learn that ) 

Oh ...did I mention if you fish, this is a great place to look for worms for bait, just saying!!!! :) 

There you have it, your compost post for the day....

Stay tuned for more homestead preparing facts.

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