Off Grid or Not for Homestead Preparing

As followers of Jesus Christ, we felt the need to start this page to help encourage believers to be prepared in the evil days ahead of this world.  If you live in a big city apartment or in a rural setting on some land, there are things you can and should do for wisdom to be prepared in the days we live in.

Here are some helpful links for you:

     This page will point you to the gospel to eternal life: ( hundreds of biblical articles to train you up )

This link gives tips on van dwelling life


Off Grid or Not?

A big factor in the homesteading life is power. You need to ask yourself will you stay connected to the power grid and spend monthly utility bills or will you go off grid? I recommend off grid to save money and so you are more reliant on you, not the telephone/power poles. 

Off grid just requires a power source like a generator or solar to make energy you use in daily life. We use generators and charge 12 volt batteries. ( big solar is ok but it is expensive and we do not need much power. Small solar is good and not so pricey )

We have both a bigger propane generator ( for our well ) and a smaller gas one for daily use. ( I like Generac and Harbor Freight predator ) For us the same small generator runs our camper van and our house as well. ( we have a back up unit too )  

We like off grid and it has saved us a lot of money but it has its draws backs. You cant run a air unit or a fan all night, UNLESS you run your generator all night too. You learn to work and live around it all. 

Our monthly cost to run our homestead house with power is under $30 a month. ( we run the small generator maybe 2-6 hours a day on average depends if I am working on projects or nor ) We are very lean on our homestead as we do not have running water ( we run and go get water from our well ) we do not use air conditioning ( we use fans ) or micro waves and such. If you stay low on your power needs, off grid is a the best option. If you want to live with a lot of fancy electrical goodies, it will cost you a lot to go and run off grid so staying on the power may work for you. You could have both, then the generator is waiting if the power goes out. Keep in mind when the local power goes out, we do not even know it as; we are all set!   

 It is not a complicated set up for us but some make it so. We have several generators, deep cycle 12 volt batteries and a charger. We use the batteries for lighting in the tiny house and run the generator when we need more power. ( I recommend led lighting to save power )

There is so much to say about off grid and the details of a set up. Contact me if you need specific help. I hope this article has.... generated.... some interest in you???  

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God be praised

Stay tuned .....for much more to come!


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