Wood Heat Homesteads

Here are some helpful links for you:

     This page will point you to the gospel to eternal life: https://www.dontperish.com/the-gospel.html  

https://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/ ( hundreds of biblical articles to train you up )

This link gives tips on van dwelling life
Here is a link of our daily van dwelling posts: https://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2019/12/van-dwellers-preaching-christ-2020.html 

Wood Heat

There is little in the homestead life that is more satisfying or brings contentment then wood heat and a full wood bin. This type of heat is deep and it is so useful for many things. (buying it an get pricey) If you have trees to cut firewood or can get it free or cheap, I encourage you go the wood heat route for many reasons.

1) is is a constant excellent heat source that does not stop when the power goes out and it gives you great freedom. 

2) you can cook, dry clothes and even dry your food with it

3) it is simple, local, natural and will help you be self sufficient on your land

4) it forces you to plan ahead, have wood cut / seasoned and it is great exercise each year.

5) by far it is a better heat source then propane or electric and much cheaper if you have land with trees.

You will of course need a wood stove and depending in the size of your home you must choose a style accordingly. We have had great results with this type stove in the smaller size. 

They run from $500 to $1200 now but we found all of ours for about $250 each used.

Caution: wood stoves can be dangerous if you do not use them correctly. Make sure you get good advice from others who know them and always be cautious. (many homes are burned down by wood heat and it is "usually" operator error not the stoves fault at all)

That's about it. 

Do your research, get yourself a stove then enjoy your coffee and hot soup right off the wood stove on a cold winter homestead day!

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God be praised


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