Homeless Men at Mennonite USA Church Get Fighting Angry Over God's Truth

After we witnessed outside a false evangelical body, we walked down the street to preach God's truth outside a corrupt Mennonite USA body that promotes sodomite marriage. They let the homeless hang out / live in there building in their unregenerated state. We saw the fruit of the people these Mennonites harbor and it is rotten to the core. I preached the truth in love and warned them that the Mennonite USA body was not preaching the saving gospel and was keeping much sin. 

Right in front of their building; a man yelled hail satan at us, one man told me his god was all about love (he denied Jesus and the Word of God) but then 10 minutes later he came at me to fight over truth. Another homeless man stopped him and the same man stopped another man from coming to beat on me. So it is clear, God protected me on this day as we walked right among them. You can see videos of this all to glorify my God as; He is Mighty! 

Another man who was also there, followed us and he thanked us and confirmed how wicked and evil the area is. He was a blessing to us, a possible sheep of God and we are here to help him.

You can see the actual videos here:

God be praised


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