Instrumental Music in Christ's Body Refuted

I was recently speaking to a double minded man over several  important topics. He has left one false teacher  and is now considering uniting to another false teacher. (see him exposed below in a link)
 I know this teacher has many false heretical ways like approving of baby baptism and pagan holidays. For this article, I want to help us all walk through and understand another topic he has wrong which is: NO instruments in the NT body. 

To be clear, I teach against instruments in the true NT body and I have many articles on why found here:

The following is a text this false teacher sent trying to say instruments are ok in the NT body today.   

Lets go over this line by line shall we and get at the Lords truth?

1) He makes the claim that; he has a bad feeling about me. 
I have been exposing his terrible track record for truth, compromise, heresy and ecumenicalism. Do you really think he will have warm and fuzzy feelings as a man who wont repent of his heresy/sin?

2) He asks did Christ change this? With Christ's New Covenant many things have changed. No more sheep killing, no more temple building, no tassels, no cutting off your penis flesh etc etc.
This shows how BAD of a bible teacher this man really is. By the way, he is not playing at harp. No, this man plays a guitar and sings on line solo and that is a very prideful act. 

3) He asks did Christ place a ban on instruments? This can be answered by looking to Paul (who Christ called to lay down the ways for us n the NT body) and he said this: 
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
2 Thess 2:15  
There is NO record or example of Jesus or Paul using ANY instruments at all. Jesus sang a hymn in Matt 26 and Paul said make a melody in our heart in Eph 5;19
In fact, NO instruments show up in the NT bodies historically until 800 years later and it was the pagan roman catholic church that brought in a organ. (today you have full rock bands)
If we are to imitate Jesus and Paul (1 Cor 11) they did not use them in the NT body. The truth is the OLD was fleshly and outside (instruments are fleshly) and the NEW is spirit and inside, so our NEW heart is now our instrument to God. Isn't that beautiful?
Does he or anyone have the authority to change God's pattern? Of course not. These men love their fleshly ways and fight to keep them.

4) Why consider someone a heretic he asks? Well, he is a heretic for many other reasons but; a heretic is one who teaches false ways away from God's word. If you take the authority to put in instruments when God's NT body didntuse them, you are a heretic indeed!
Here is a article on what a heretic is:

So there you have it! I can give you many verses and biblical patterns why instruments are NOT for today's true NT body. This false teacher only has his false reasons, feelings and assumptions. 

Note: it is sad that the double minded man I was speaking to has already smashed his guitar and wrote articles on how unbiblical instruments are on his so called teaching blog. 

But this false teacher is taking him back to his vomit in various ways.
That is why I stand against such men as I love and do not want people deceived.  

In closing; I have another very important point. These same Baptist like men would NEVER approve of full band in God's holy body but they open the door for it. How?
You see if allow a guitar, then a flute must be allowed too. Then a key board and a trumpet is ok. Then a harmonica and drums. Before you know it, you have a band. You have no standing to tell anyone they cannot add their favorite instrument to the band, if you allow a guitar. This is the result of sloppy unbiblical man centered theology. 

See that false teacher tested here: 
Shane Cruey Exposed:

A wise and biblical path is to stay with the NT pattern that God ordained in the Holy His body. That was the fading away of outside fleshly instruments and to use our heart and lips as NEW creations unto God and each other. 

God be praised


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God be praised!