We received the following email and it had some interesting questions that everyone could be edified by so I will answer it here.
See my words below with ****** by them
Hello, I just spent some time looking at your website, probably more time than I should have today :) I plan to come back to it.
**** We hope it blesses you
I did enjoy it very much. It has a wealth of information on it. I was amazed at how much you have on there. I also liked the part about homesteading and van living. I have done RV living in the past. Thank you for being dedicated and sharing the gospel across America with many people.
***** You are welcome ad God gets the glory in us!
Question: How do you make money for gas if you don't take any money from people and drive across America all the time? I get living the simple life, I need to do more of that.
***Yes we teach simple and freedom. Here is a article on 3 Freedoms in Christ:
But you still need gas, tires, and an oil change, even if you change the oil yourself. Plus have to pay property taxes at your homestead. Where do you sleep at on the road?
***** Yes we have expenses and it is true we do not take money for our ministry. I worked my entire life, was wise with money, we sold most all we owned so we can fund ourselves. I retired early (age 52) ran our small business but then switched to travel and preach full time. We do some consulting work on the road to earn money still as I like to work. We have an off grid homestead so total for monthly expenses with taxes is $40
We sleep in our camper van, we have a queen bed and all the room we need and we love it being out for Gods use daily in this lost world, praise God!
I agree with most of your points. I enjoyed many articles very much. You must have worked at this for a long time.
*** The website is many years of study and striving in the Word as God called us to it!
Here are some things I disagree with:
1. Attacking the solas & Luther. The solas were written for the Catholic Church. They were an effective attack on the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was very corrupt at that time. Luther saved numerous people from deception, even though he had flaws himself.
**** In love the Solas are lies no matter who they re written to.
It is NOT Christ alone, or faith alone or scripture alone... it is a combination of those things that lead to eternal life. Martin Luther was a murderous heretic, do not be deceived by him even if God used him to do some works. Here is a article that exposes the 5 Solas as false:
2. I believe America was a Biblical nation. It may not be right now, or it certainly isn't right now, but it was at one point. All of the founding fathers and people living in America may not have been Christians, but there were a lot of true Christians that loved and served God and the Bible was a foundation for creating America.
***** While America was NOT as vile as it is today, it never was a biblical nation. The ONLY biblical God pleasing nation was Israel when she obeyed God. America was founded by occult masons like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson hated Christ and cut Jesus words out of the bible and it was birthed out of war and killing.
Do some history study then bible study and you will see the truth.
Here is a article on the idolatry of patriotism:
3. The attack on Lindsay Davis was hard. Lindsay Davis stood against Bethel Church, a multi million dollar money machine by herself and was expelled from the school. She sacrificed her hopes and dreams for truth. I assume her relationship with her parents and numerous friends is compromised. I am glad her parents were at her wedding, you should honor your parents and not having them to your wedding would be disrespectful. She probably has a lot of issues to still work out, she just escaped out of a weird cult, and yes, she shouldn't be teaching at this time.
*****I am glad she left Bethel but she is a heretic Calvinist, a deceiver, a carnal worldly person and a harlot dressed woman. She sells make up for a living and her husband and her attend a John Calvin loving false body that I have exposed. Here is her pastor exposed as a heretic:
People make mistakes. That is why Christ died on the Cross.
***But to gain eternal life you must repent and leave sin. Luke 13:3
The people you speak of have not left their sins.
There is a difference between the church member attending a seeker church, living a seeker lifestyle, thinking he can sin all he wants, and the righteous man following God that has sinned and makes mistakes, but needs forgiveness.
****Amen and a man seeking God will leave all sin! If you stay in any sin, you are in willful rebellion and will NOT enter in. Heb 10:26 says so.
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
****** I agree we all need to repent daily (leave all sin) and seek Christs perfect work for our sins. You cant be saved while you are IN sin you must LEAVE it only then be forgiven. The truth is you must repent and walk in His light and truth to even get cleansed 1 John 1 / have the grace of God. Heb 5:9 says he made the way for those who obey him and John 14:15 says if you love me obey me. My teaching blog has many articles on all these topics and I hope this has answered your questions.
Thank you for asking.
God be praised
Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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