Much Tribulation and Storms

Jesus said; 

 In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33 

As I have traveled full time/preaching; I have come to learn the life of a born again Berean (truth seeker) walking in the Word can be great joy. But often it is also full of sorrow, storms and tribulation due to the flesh, our enemies and the fallen world around us.

Recently, I have encountered such a storm, tribulation/trial and for that reason, I have had to cancel my mission trip eastward. I also find it is wise to take a leave from posting daily online to seek things out for God's glory. (I will remain in touch with those closest to me on a daily basis) 

No one can know the pressures and issues of street preaching / full time travel lest they have done it themselves. I do not know how long or short this break/time away will be or; if I do get back here as before. We live in such perilous times and God's knows, not I. 

That verse in John 16 says He (the light) has over come the world, what a glorious promise! But we also know that we must fight though MANY battles ourselves to hold on/endure, to get to that victory of His. Often in the midst of the darkest battles; its hard to see clear to the light, that is just on the other side. Today am I fighting some battles and I need to strive on through the storm to get to that light. 

Please remember and know that you are indeed in a spiritual battle brethren or one is on the way. You are not really pursuing Christ if you have not battles and persecution. (2 Tim 3:12) The enemy (as a roaring lion 1 Peter 5:8) is waiting to devour you, your hope and a saving faith so be wise as a serpent daily.

 I need much wisdom as I endure this. 

Hold fast saints of the Lord and may I see you on the other side, if the Lord wills.

God be praised

Brother James