King James Only Exposed as a Cult!

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There is a group of people (mostly baptist types) that believe the King James bible was not just translated into English but that God specially inspired it "perfect" in English. This is a silly lie and NO scripture is found to back up their false claims! They are so blind and zealous for this false way... it is amazing when we encounter it.

Thus they are called the cult of KJV only!!

We have some questions and facts that will help you see through this lie and so we present the following for your own testing and study:

If you study the history of this false belief of KJVO you will find it has VERY recent roots and was not even around when the KJV bible was made. Where did this false way come from you ask?

KJVO Historical facts:

It started in the cult of 7 Day Adventism in the 1900's, then it was rehashed and rewritten about by various Baptist types in later years and several books published about it made it more main stream today. Do your own research and when you do, you will see it is like many false cults (mormons and jehovah witness) it was invented by men, not that long ago. So we ask; why would God's true people follow it today as truth when it is of a man?

Did you know that King James gave the translators rules to follow in some cases so they would translate in a way to help his hold onto his power? ( do your own research as it is true!!!)

Moving on:
We have questions for the KJVO cult members that none have really taken the time to answer for us.

If the King James bible is inspired by God.....

*Why did the translators say they were not inspired by God they just wanted a better translation?

*Why is 80% of the KJV taken from the earlier English bibles?

*Why did it first contain the apocrypha books like the pagan roman catholic bible... till they were removed?

*Why was it redone via new editions to fix errors in:
1613, 1629, 1638, 1644, 1664, 1701, 1744, 1762, and 1769?

*Why does it call the Holy Spirit ( a real person of the Trinity) "it" in John 1:32; Romans 8:16, 26; and 1 Peter 1:11?

*Why does it wrongly use the word Easter in Acts 12:4?

*It wrongly uses the term "God forbid" many times in the NT.

*Why in Acts 20:28 does it use the word Bishop vs overseer which is correct. ( fact: King James wanted to lift up the clergy to give him more power )

*Why does it often use the word minister vs the correct word- servant?
(Fact: again King James wanted to beef up the clergy class who reported to him for his own power.)

*Why is the word church used incorrectly vs the correct word ...assembly? ( Fact: this also helps the King remain in power via his false church of England vs Gods called out ekklesia )

See this article on church vs biblical ekklesia and it will open your eyes!!!

*Why does it says "modest apparel" in 1 Tim 2:9 not "neat and orderly robes" as the Greek does?

*Why did they mis-translate Hebrews 13 about obeying those who rule over you? (Fact: this too helps the Kings power)

*Why were most of the translators believers in baby baptism that saves you? This is a false gospel and accused per Galatians 1:8

*Why dont KJVO culters use the "old English" bible today vs the revised "newer English" KJV bible?

*Why do KJV ONLY culters wrongly use Psalm 12:6 to say its about the KJV. This article link exposes that idea:

The truth is that the KJV didnt show up till 1611. The KJVO culters today will tell you by their beliefs that there was not any accurate English truth for those believers from 1524 to 1611? (around the time of the reformation) This is a lie as history shows other English bibles did exist and the KJV was made by using those other English bibles as well.

Finally; the man himself (King James) is questionable as well to have a bible named after himself. (if any man should name Gods Word after himself anyway???) Many in history claim he was a drinker, a pagan mason and even a homosexual as well? Do your own research on that.

All of this makes you see how foolish it is to claim a HOLY God specially inspired the KJV vs in truth; it was just another translation of His already inspired Holy Word.

Note: we do use KJV and it is not a bad translation no... but it must be tested to the original Greek and Hebrew as it has issues as we have shown you.

See the Baptist faith exposed here:

We hope you see that this cult like way has been exposed as false and you must reject it and those who teach it inline with Romans 16:17.

We leave you with God's true word:

nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith. Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm.”
1 Tim 1:4-7

But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless.
Titus 3:9

See our resources below to help you in truth....

God be praised


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