Psalm 12:6 Explained KJV Only Refuted


There are heretical groups out there that teach the King James version of the bible was holy spirit inspired by God and it is without "any" error. That is a foolish and unbiblical view which I prove. I have a article link below that shows you MANY reasons why I can and do easily refute that false mindset.  

For this brief article, I want to cover a bible verse these false men use to say the KJV is God's perfect inspired Word. They will often twist and mis-quote this verse:

Psalm 12:6

The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

Based on this verse, some of them go on to say their has been "7 English bible translations" and the KJV is thus, the 7th and pure Word of God. This is mere heretical, scripture twisting and non sense as I  will explain for you:

1) First; this verse does not even say that God's Word is purified 7 times. Read it and you will see it says; as silver is purified 7 times and that is how silver is made via a purifiying process. (silver was known to be very pure in King Davids time so he used it as a reference of pure) 

See this article on good study vs this bag study habit:

2) There has been about 450 translated English bibles NOT just 7

3) At the time of this verse written by David, the KJV bible did NOT come along for roughly about another 2500 years  

4) If they claim ONLY in English is God's Word made pure, what about all the other cultures that have translations in their own tongue? This means their bibles are NOT pure or true so God only cares about the English speaking world, not ALL men! How wicked, foolish and heretical to believe such things. 

5) Even the KJV translators said in the preface they were ONLY doing a translation, NOT a inspired perfect work. 

6) This twisting of Psalm 12:6 is a NEW ill theology that came out of the Seven Day Adventists and through the false Baptist faith system today.

 So what does this verse really mean then you may ask me?

Read on to verse 7

Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

It simply means that God promised to keep His word pure/preserved for generations to come and He has done just that. (look into the vast Old Testament evidence/ 24000 New Testament manuscripts that back up God's Holy Word as true and accurate far above ANY known human writing) 

Glory to God for this great work!

While we can look to the KJV as a good translation, it is the ORIGINAL languages of Greek and Hebrew that we can use to test it fully. These false men say all you need is a English dictionary and that is another lie. (see the link below for proof against that)

The KJV does has some failures/errors that we can easily correct to have the pure truth of God's Word. 

Example: it uses the pagan word EASTER....

(again see the KJV Only link below) 

If we are Bereans like Acts 17 (testing all things 1 Thess 5) vs just believing what false (mostly Baptist types today say) we can easily see the truth of this heresy/lie stated about Psalm 12:6 and the KJV ONLY cultists. 

Do not be deceived by man made religion and its MANY false ways like KJV Onlyism. It is nothing more then another false cult mindset (out of false religious systems) in these last days full of false teachers as Jesus warned about. see Matthew 24  

Here is the article that refutes the KJV ONLY cult/heresy giving much more proof to help you:

See our resources to help you in the faith below esp the gospel. 

God be praised


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