Witnessing the Gospel / A Few Experiences


I had some good witnessing experiences recently that I like to share them to edify others in the faith. Here are just a few of late: 


We were van camped out and a Amish man came by with a horse and buggy so i went over to him. The following was my talk on audio with him to share the gospel truth. May it bless you.....



I stopped to get gas in Indiana and a gas hauling trucker was there filling up tanks at a gas station. I waited till he was done with his job then I went over and told him thanks for what he does. If he does not do his job, I wont have gas to travel and preach. I gave him the gospel card and he did not seem to friendly so; I walked on telling him to drive safe. He did make it a point to wave good bye at me when he went into the store so who knows, he may be just a shy person. I know that Gods seeds were sown in love amen?


At a recent street preaching event (a NAR heretic music event) I had to encounter two police officers over a threatening heckler. Once the situation was handled, they started asking me some questions about the faith. They both seemed interested and they got the gospel and cards then we chatted for awhile.  

It was a blessing and it is why we travel to meet others and spread the Lords truth! Let the gospel go out to all that will hear......

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:


Here is a 10 point biblical test:


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