April 7 2023
We slept through a thunderstorm and awoke to a rainy cool day so my coffee tasted extra good this am in van life. We could not go outside for ministry work today so we worked online in a busy parking lot flying gospel signs on the van. I answered an email from a man and thought I would share it with you all below as a teaching moment as well as some teachings to edify you all.
Lunch... I mean who does not like noodles and sweet potato?
Talk about the corrupt ways of politics? I saw this: It turns out it is illegal for any felon to vote but; it is perfectly legal for a felon to be President of the United States and he can even be president; while he is in jail???? Man is so foolish....
I saw this door gear handle on my walk and thought it was really unique
We see a lot of mysticism as we do ministry out here. Some people have these dream catchers in their campers and they believe it controls their spiritual life. It is the occult wrapped up in pagan Indian folk tales is all.
Are You an Abomination By Your Proud Heart / Part 2
James 1:22-27 verse by verse audio study
Email Answered on Matthew 8 and the Roman Soldiers Faith
Nick Sergent Gets Rebuked Face to Face by Street Preacher:
Go here to see the whole story and both videos I made yesterday:
Sister Aman Shares:
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
1 Peter 1:23-25
Good day sister saints! How was your day? I've had a busy day of Titus 2 works, did some witness walking giving out gospel cards and some important online ministry projects got finished. I thought I'd share some pics from the day...
Yesterday I found some asparagus for $1.29 (wonderful deal) so I went back in today to get another lb and while there, struck up a conversation with a woman who ended up getting a gospel card. She thanked me.
After I walked away from her I saw this cart load of discount bananas and remembered all the banana bread, banana muffins, banana cakes, banana pancakes, banana cookies I used to make from the discounted ones i would find. I tried to dehydrate them but they took so long that it wasn't worth the cost of the power to do it.
I took a little walk this morning and saw all these pretty flower creations that our Father made.
And I loved how this sand run off from the rain, made this pattern on the sidewalk. God's creation is never ending in being amazing.
It's a cloudy, drizzly day with more rain coming tomorrow.
I found a couple skirts at a thrift store for a super good deal but they put big hard elastic in the waist and because of my issues I can't have that so I figured I could take that out and put in a draw string. I'll be hand sewing it all so let's see how they turn out. It's such a peaceful job, doing such things like this and I'm thankful to be able to.
That was the moon last night, what another awesome creation. This world seems so big yet the One who created it makes it look small!
I saw that bumblebee the other day... makes me think of the atheists (or those who claim to be but really aren't) and their silly thoughts of evolution.
I saw that car all taped up and thought about some of us sisters who are getting older and dealing with constant issues and what these ol tents have to deal with as each year goes along lol. Might be older and battered but they still keep going by the power of God! There are times I wonder how I can do what I do but I know it's all of Him and for Him.
I thought that looked peaceful. A nice place to sit and ponder the Lord, rejoicing and being thankful.
I saw that and it made me smile and think of all the pumpkin and squash pies I used to make from whatever grew from the garden. I've never made sweet potato pie but I've had it often enough, what a nice healthy treat blessings. I just added a couple posts from an old blog I used to do on the homestead many years ago, you can see one on pumpkin pie HERE and roasting the seeds HERE. I can't make such things anymore (in van life) but maybe you can!
I'm thankful for all the works I get to do as a godly woman and encouraged when others are as well.
Love in the Lord,
Sister Aman
I finished my day by walking under this arched sidewalk doing some teaching audios as it rained outside.
It is a cold drizzly night and I look forward to curling up in our dry cozy gospel van with sister Aman. It looks to be another rainy day all day tomorrow too. I hope you are all warm and safe in His care as we love you all.....
We love him, because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Brother Tupos with sister Aman
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