We travel all over America as (self funded / full time) van dwellers to street preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places, events and any open market places.
Our desire is to be in van life to preach Christ crucified, disciple saints via His truth and reach the lost. The following is our journal that shows latest posts, teachings, places, events and interesting things we encounter in van life for Christ to edify you and other offerings from our website. See the biblical path to eternal life here:
April 8 2023
It was another van life rainy cold day with mist and clouds up in the hills. We do not mind it though as we have learned in this nomad life to take each day in thankfulness, no matter what comes. Plus I have found my hot coffee tastes extra good on those chilly mornings.
No this is not our van but.... it looks home does it not?
I took a witnessing walk and I saw this sign in a business and thought it is a very nice gesture of them. But I need to add that without giving someone the gospel to eternal life as well I would ask; have you really loved them as a neighbor? I would say no so we travel to preach it to everyone!
I saw this evil sign on the Mexican restaurant with a note saying; Happy Easter
Then they also had these on the glass window showing that Easter is just a thing to them and it is quite meaningless really which most people are guilty of these days.
I saw this nice little park area in the midst of busy places around it. That reminded me how Jesus and the disciples went to such places to get away and re-create themselves in the Spirit and we should as well.
As I walked I saw this pole and beam. Since it is pagan Easter time many lift up the cross this time of year. But the truth is Jesus did not die on a cross but on a tree. Why? Because the word cross means a stake/tree in Greek and He became a curse for us per Paul in Galatians and cursed is the one who hangs on a tree it says in the OT Word. See my teaching blog article on that here:
Does sister Aman feed me good or what? That is veggie no meat on those tacos and I am prepared to share always.......
I got to set up and work inside a bit today as that is a many days of rain practice and the gospel always go out in such places
Here are two articles for this time of year:
Good Friday that is a lie
Easter is Pagan
A store we often park at has old things under their roof and it makes me think of my youth growing up on a homestead/farm with all kinds of tools and such
Jesus is the BREAD of Life amen?
Jesus Never Mentioned That (Arguments from Silence)
Sister Aman Shares:
Good day in the Lord to my sister saints!
Do good, O Lord, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts. [5] As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the Lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel.
Psalm 125:4-5
I just read that Psalm in the audio bible reading for women HERE and then did 2 Corinthians 8 reading HERE.
That Psalm I posted above made me think of things that I shared on a Sisters Sharing audio HERE.
It's been raining yesterday and today and I enjoy walking in it so I took you along this morning. Here's a lil clip of the video but you can see the whole thing HERE and below is what I see looking out the window as I type this post.
I made another scripture picture slide show of God's creation with Psalm 116 HERE. God's word and His creation together, well He created it all with His word so they do go together don't they!?
So pretty when it's all wet from the rain. I talked about the cycles God has set up, in the sister sharing audio. I love to think about that and hey, there's nothing new under the sun either! God created it all and is in charge of it all!
I've been making progress on the skirt waist bands and plan to do more, hopefully to finish in the next few days or sooner but let's see:) Takes a lot longer hand sewing than with a machine but I'm thankful to have hands to do it and eyes to see, even though it's getting harder to see to thread that needle lol. I'm thankful and content with it all.
I cooked up that asparagus from yesterday for our lunch. Brother Tupos appreciates rice, which I'm glad for cuz it's super inexpensive and easy to prepare and the left overs keep for a few days. I'd gladly share with any sisters or brothers!
Hey did I ever share this? I can't remember but if I did, you get to see it again! A sister, who's a little bit older than me, shared it, the expiration is 2/28/95. 28 years ago! I remember being 28 and not even comprehending what it would be like to be 54, almost 55 soon. Time goes by so fast, let us make sure we redeem it all for the Lord for He is worthy.
Since starting my part of this journal, we have moved to our parking spot for the night and we made a video to share with you...
For sisters who are homeschooling and raising children in the admonition of the Lord...can I give you some great encouragement and praise????
Things like that won't happen very often and it won't be long....
...they ultimately will win. The opposers say the bill is mean, but those pushing it are trying to keep the power in the parents hands and out of the children's and teachers. Satan is coming after everyone, especially the youth. Protect them, guard them and keep them unspotted from the world sisters! Don't fall for the 'they gotta have fun and friends'. NO! THEY GOTTA HAVE THE TRUTH!!!!! And how do they get that truth? By you keeping them in the ways of the Lord, not the world. Good job sisters, remember how dark it is when you get tired and worn down doing it all, look up, look to the Lord, look to what He has done, look to what is ahead of us and set that path for those precious children!!!!!
(No I'm not political but this was shared and it turned out to be a good teaching for sisters who are parents.)
I love you sisters, all of you, all over the world and hope you all are striving on, seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Thank you for all of you that care to share as it's encouraging.
But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Hebrews 3:13
Sister Aman
Our night parking spot with a few distant neighbors
The day was very good and I had special moment meeting a handicapped man that touched my heart. I will share it in my verse by verse teaching soon. We say good bye to another day as we speed towards eternity. As I do ministry I often marvel how so few are getting themselves ready for that day as it approaches. This van life has helped us to clean house and focus on the kingdom of God. I hope that is your goal as well as we care for your souls. Repent and obey the gospel to find eternal life to come!
Peace to you....
Brother Tupos with sister Aman
This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: