Ben Walter Email Answered

Feb 2024 

Listen to the truth about Ben's son Patrick here who we recently had to put out of fellowship due to sin:


Aug 2023 

The following is a line by line response to the lying email I was sent from Ben Walter of Calgary. He was recently offered the chance to talk, forgive, be forgiven, reconcile and have fellowship again. He rejected it and chose to NOT obey God so he was put out of fellowship per Romans 16:17 / Matthew 18 

Note: I fear Ben may not be born again at all by his fruit or he is just VERY sinful and rebellious. 

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:20

 This is showing pride and partiality is a very costly choice. You can read about the past issues where Ben tossed fellowship aside over Hutterite partiality and flesh at the link below.

I recently offered Ben/brothers a peace email and I wanted to work it all out, forgive and go on. Ben first sent this email taking credit for only hanging up on me when he actually betrayed the body of Christ in fearful partiality towards heretic Hutterites that he was once part of:

The Lord has put on my heart to reach out and clarify some things that happened in our past. Brethren should always be longsuffering and patient with each other, not get in the flesh, which is what happened to me on that fateful day when we talked last, I repent of that and ask you for forgiveness for hanging up on a brother, this is not how believers treat each other.
Ephesians 4:2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
I am united with brother Kevin and brother Patrick, we are moving forward.... onward in prayer, edification and scripture studying..... growing in the Lord, in faith, we hope you are as well.
God speed

But then he sent this email when he knew he would now be accountable in a body setting:


I have been thinking and praying about everything that happened, I have admitted that how I reacted was wrong, but…….
When I examined what you did and said in the days weeks and  months after, I am led to believe that you are not to be trusted…. I have reservations and doubts about who you are…. So I will not be reconciling with you…… I wish Kevin and Patrick all the best and God speed.

  Please see his last email in blue full of lies and then my response with **** by my words in black. I do this publically as a 1 Tim 5:20 rebuke, a teaching moment, to warn others about who he really is and for the saving of Ben's soul as I care about him. 

Read on:


Ben Walter 
  • You
Sun 8/13/2023 2:58 PM
Jim….. you discarded and disbanded a brotherhood …… you did this

**** Here Ben lies as he was the one that got angry, call me things that are not true and hung up on me to never spoke to me again over his Hutterite pride and partiality. Other brothers see this including his own son. Prov 6 ...lies are a abomination to God. Repent Ben....

 ….. you aired personal laundry that should have been discussed and worked out with the brothers….. 

**** We are to expose and rebuke publically 1 Tim 5:20 and what I aired was his partiality to wicked Hutterites that all needed to see as a teaching moment/warning about him. And Ben ran into the dark and for 5 months NEVER came back to address me at all. He is twisting truth and we all see it. 
Repent Ben....

which you choose to disband…… you…. 

*** More lies...I put Ben out over his sin of cowardise and partiality towards Hutterites. He made that choice and other men see that, have repented and confessed it and made it all right but Ben holds on to his sin to his demise. Rev 22:14-15 ... lies get you out of the heavenly city.
Repent Ben......

Not very loving or forgiving….

*****Actually it is very loving/biblical to rebuke a brother in sin as Jesus told us to. see Matthew 18 / and forgiveness to unity only comes when men repent, he has not repented. Luke 17:3-4 / Repent Ben.....

You threaten a brother if he didn’t return money…. Of all things money! 

**** Ben is full of lies and attacks to cover his sin but we all see it is vain and he is deceitful. The money was given with the agreement if we part ways it goes back into the ministry. There was no threat about money only a promise to expose which I did and was right to do so. It eventually brought godly men to repentance but in Ben's case; he is holding to sin vs a humble heart. Liars will not prosper
Psalm 101:7 / Repent Ben

Jesus warned about the love of money…. As it is the root of all evil….

**** Not sure how I can be accused of this as I willingly offered it and it only came back to my ministry per the agreement when sin, dis-fellowship and betrayal happened. Other men do NOT see it as Ben does so he stands alone in his delusion, rebellion and sin. His hard heart is ruling him it seems. Matthew 13;15 / Repent Ben

 You chose money over repenting of your sin and making things right with brethren… 

*** Ben keeps telling lies here but the truth is I chose the Lord and truth over partial coward men like him. He in 5 months NEVER came to show me my sin so; if I had any he did not love me and its more proof he may be a false convert. by love we are known per Jesus in John 13 / Repent Ben 

you just kept on with your name calling which you are very good at I might add. 

**** I always use bible names like fearful, partial, judas like, prideful and false brethren. Did Jesus use names on his sinful enemies? See Matthew 23 the hypocrite chapter. 
Repent Ben

And now you come back, quote a few Bible verses and all is forgiven.
Where’s the fruit?

**** Ben is a master at twisting truth like satan did in the garden. After 5 months of dis-fellowship, I came back to him to offer peace and reconciliation. While other brothers jumped at the chance to glorify God, kill flesh, admit sin and have unity in redemption; Ben has heartened his heart to now be put out of fellowship. While it broke our hearts to put him out, we serve and obey God first so Ben cannot stay in his current sinful state.  

Repent Ben or perish!


See this link that explains much about my sad past with Ben:

I love him and forgive all his lies. The offer stands if he repents, he can work with me for a season to see where his real heart and life is at before he re-enters the body life. We must keep leaven out per Paul in Gal 5:9 and Ben has a pattern of questionable ways.  

Let this all be a mark against him to bring repentance, warn others to NOT unite to him till he repents or is truly born again. The bible is full of men being exposed over sin and it is a great warning and lesson to us all. This also shows I am not partial and will expose anyone for unrepentive sin even those in my own fellowship. God is not partial nor can we be. 

God be praised


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