Ted Cruz for President? Discerning Politics for the True Believer **

The  following info is based on facts as we compare them to God's Word through our own study and research as well as personal experiences, and observations. It is done in truth and in Christian love as a Proverbs 9:8 rebuke, teaching and learning moment for us all. Only those who would foolishly dislike a biblical rebuke will be offended by it. This is posted to glorify God, lift up the Lord the Jesus Christ, to help others out of man's traditions and expose the errors of modern religious leaders so they will come to repentance, leave man's false ways and begin to proclaim ALL biblical truth!

Note: If any of this info is incorrect please contact me and it will be removed and adjusted.  
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Ted Cruz ...political candidate for US president in 2016

This biblical testing of a political candidate is NOT to encourage people to get involved in politics. While we would not say voting is sinful; we do remind people God's Word calls His true people to be about Him and His Word as we are NOT citizens of this world. (See Colossians 3:2 and Philippians 2)
It is also true that patriotism (often linked to voting) has risen to almost pure idolatry in this nation as we discuss in this article: http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2015/07/american-patriotism-where-did-it-come.html

 The ONLY reason we are testing Mr Cruz is because he claims a so called biblical Christian back ground in his political speech making and so he must be tested to God's Word / 1 Thessalonians 5:21,
We will make no kind of claims about if Mr Cruz would make a good president, or not. That is for those who choose to vote to decide for themselves. We will only offer you the biblical truth after having tested him to God's Word.

In Exodus 18 God told Moses to pick leaders to help him rule using these 4 points:

Able men
Fear God
Men of truth
Hating covetousness

 Keeping those things in mind let's begin the biblical testing of Ted Cruz shall we?

*Ted Cruz grew up in a religious home via his father Rafael Cruz ( Rafael is a charismatic Word of faith type of man and these are all unbiblical heretical groups)
*Ted was committed to a life of defending the constitution of the USA ( not God's Word) 
*Ted Cruz claims to be a southern Baptist ( this group has left the truth of God's Word in so many ways )

See this article on why denominationlism is unbiblical: http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2014/11/reasons-denominationalism-is-wrong-and.html

*Ted Cruz was said to have spent his youth memorizing the constitution of the USA (God's people focus on His Word not man's law)
*Ted's father is a huge influence on him and involved in his political life
*Ted's father was/is involved with the false teacher Benny Hinn's ex wife's ministry called Purifying Fire International (her and Benny Hinn are heretic false teacher types to be avoided not worked with)
*Ted's father Rafael is a dominionist believing Christians must take over the earth for God and he advises Ted.

For those who say Ted Cruz is a Christian and so we need to support him; does the bible really teach that? No, in fact in many places it tells His true people to warn then reject those who are linked to false teachers. See this article on biblical separation: http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/2014/01/separation-is-biblical.html

If you need any further help seeing that Mr Ted Cruz is lost when it comes to biblical truth and discernment; recently he was supported by Mike Bickle of IHOP. This is a demonic unbiblcal place and we document that here: http://bewareoffalse-unbiblicalteachers.blogspot.com/search/label/Mike%20Bickleout the support of this fasle teacher Mike Bickle?

What was Ted Cruz's statement about being supported by this dangerous false teacher Mike Bickle?

Cruz said this:
"I am grateful for Mike's dedication to call a generation of young people to prayer and spiritual commitment. Heidi and I are grateful to have his prayers and support. With the support of Mike and many other people of faith, we will fight the good fight, finish the course and keep the faith."

Now how does Ted measure up to the 4 points God told Moses to focus on for leaders?

Able men...
By mans laws and ways ... Ted seems able for the office at hand.

Fear God...
Ted fails here as if he feared God he would OBEY and KNOW His Word better.

Men of truth....
Ted also fails here as he has much error in his spiritual life.

 Hating covetousness...
Ted also fails here as he loves to mostly focus on the US constitution, man's freedoms and patriotism over God's truth which is really covetousness/idolatry in the end.

What more do we need to see to state the clear truth? Ted Cruz may say he is a bible believer but he is NOT a believer that the Word of God describes. Sadly Ted has been led astray and fallen into the trap of seeking fame and man made religion without testing it ALL to God's Word. It is our belief that more time in the Word of God and less time in politics or studying the constitution would benefit Ted well.

We know many like him and they will say;  well he is much better then Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump!  We will leave that up to you, who get involved in man's corrupt system called voting, to decide. We pray you who claim God and vote, do not fall into the same category as Ted. That is; much of time for politics and patriotism but not much time to study His Holy word, testing all things, repenting of error, knowing good from evil, right from wrong all for God's glory! (Ted could win the office but lose his soul if.... he walks outside of Christ's truth/gospel and so can you.)

***We do find it very hypocritical of claimed believers who will say they could never support a candidate who supports abortion or sodomy marriage (both are sinful issues indeed) but they are quick to over look other SINS that Gods Word is VERY harsh on also like idolatry (patriotism) and  false ways (like false man made religion). (See Baptist denominations and others)

Sin is sin.... is it not?

Many so called believers are more concerned about keeping their freedoms and way of life in the USA then they are about keeping............. Gods Holy Word and Truth!

All something to be considered amen?

Please go here and listen to the gospel on how to find eternal life:

God be praised....
