Voice of the Martyrs Tested to God's Word**

The  following info is based on facts as we compare them to God's Word through our own study and research as well as personal experiences, and observations. It is done in truth and in Christian love as a Proverbs 9:8 rebuke, teaching and learning moment for us all. Only those who would foolishly dislike a biblical rebuke will be offended by it. This is posted to glorify God, lift up the Lord the Jesus Christ, to help others out of man's traditions and expose the errors of modern religious leaders so they will come to repentance, leave man's false ways and begin to proclaim ALL biblical truth!

Note: If any of this info is incorrect please contact me and it will be removed and adjusted.  
See the link at the bottom of the page for contact info.

Click HERE to listen to this message on John 4:24 Radio.

God's Word teaches His followers to test all things and that would include missionary ministries.  Testing missionary ministries is very important because in order to support a ministry believers must know if the ministry is preaching a biblical gospel and if they stand strong on God's Word and teach all biblical truth.  If not, they will be leading masses of people on the wide road to destruction and you don't want to be supporting such a group.

Voice of the Martyrs, founded by Richard Wurmbrand, has a large network that helps millions of people who are in physical need from persecution.  Richard was first ordained as an Angelican and then after World War II he was ordained a Lutheran minister and stayed as such.  The Lutheran organization is a man made organization following after a murderous man; Martin Luther. (See an article HERE that exposes Martin Luther and his false unbiblical ways.)

Voice of the Martyrs claims to be inter denominational christian organization. 

Voice of the Martyrs links with the modern denominational 'christian' organizations which do not promote the truth of God's Word (Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, AOG etc).  Most have an unbiblical gospel, fail the 10 point test for religious bodies (click HERE to read the 10 pt test for you and your religious body) and do not uphold the New Testament Church body that Jesus ordained.

While there is a great need to help those who are persecuted, Voice of the Martyrs is missing the need to be proclaiming a biblical gospel and making disciples as God's Word instructs. It is very dangerous to help people and leave them lost in an unbiblical religious organization that will not lead them to eternal life but instead with their unbiblical ways, will lead many to destruction.

We would warn all who support Voice of the Martyrs to be very careful and discerning in where their money (God's money) is spent...is it giving to further proclaim a biblical gospel that will give eternal life to lost souls or is it spent with organizations that do not follow God's Word in all ways?

Please click HERE to read or listen to the gospel good news and how to gain eternal life.

God be praised.
To contact us please go to our main ministry site.