How Do I Find a Good Church?

This is a common question many who want to please God will ask.

Before we can answer this question for you we must correct a common error that man made evangelical/denominational religion has propagated over the centuries.

The evangelical/denominational Sunday church systems you see today in America on every street corner are NOT ordained by God but they are all  man created. They look and function nothing like the early first century body that Christ ordained. Are you also aware the word 'church' is a perversion of the real meaning of God's true body? Man makes "churches" indeed but ONLY God calls out His holy people unto Him.

The word church means a religious system, organization and a gathering of such. The King James bible added it when it should not have and early english bibles used the correct word ekklesia.

In the bible the correct word for God's people is ekklesia in the Greek. It means called out ones.

In short; you can join a church made of man anytime but you must be BORN into God's true body and how they gather and operate are VERY different indeed. To know and please God you must be in His ekkelsia not man made religion.
Go to this link and read about the word church vs ekklesia:   

Moving on, once you understand who God's true people are vs man made religion you can now get to the question:

How Do I Find a Good Church?

Our website is full of articles to WARN you about man made religion so the first thing we will tell you is this:

 you will not find all truth in these places made of man.

Go to this link and see MANY reasons why evangelical / demonational religion is NOT of God and should be avoided per God's Holy Word and ways if you desire to please the Lord:

By now you may be saying; well then what are we to do....we have to go to church right?

Well we must expose another man made lie for you. The scripture dont forsake the gathering of yourselves together (Hebrews 10:25) is OFTEN used to beat you into the mindset that you must go to church. It is a lie! Actually that entire area of scripture is about gathering unto Christ not gathering in a Sunday building to do rituals of man. Go to these articles part 1 and 2 that teach the truth and expose this lie.

Now that we know you should not be in sinful man made Sunday religion and that you need not attend Sunday ritual services, we can get to real truth. Actually the answer is NOT in going to any church but in BEING His ekklesia ( called out ones)  daily as you live your every day life. That is real worship and this article explains why God desires biblical worship; not made up worship services of man:

You may say 'but didn't the early saints in the bible gather together to sing and pray and teach the word'?

Yes they did but it was not what you find in man made religion every Sunday. They gathered to sing some, pray some and they mostly taught the Word in an open participatory gathering where many men spoke, not just a paid hireling modern pastor. They were spirit led, met house to house and they clung to God's Word not man made false ways. Here is a link that explains how they functioned:

Hopefully you can now see the grave difference between attending man made religion and the true NT body of God's ekklesia?

The answer is to finding a church is really found in these important points:
*Church is of man but the ekkelsia is called of God.
*If you're born of God you cannot go to sinful man made church religion as your angering God.
*Your worship is your everyday life not a timed out ritual service of man.
*You are NOT under ANY biblical command to attend a church worship service.
*If you are His and you have other true believers, you can gather in homes and allow God to guide you (eventually men should step up and elders will be in place to over see, NOT lord over.)
*If you're alone without another true ekklesia believer near you; you must cling to God and He will train you up by His Word and His spirit. (To compromise and join man made ways is to sin before God.)

In love we would encourage all the true ekklesia to STOP looking for a church as you won't find one in a building made of man. Stop listening to radio and tv preachers and sermons of the evangelical fasle teachers. Study the Word and just BE His body daily in obedience and only gather with other true saints keeping the traditions handed down via God's Word.

2 Thessalonians 2:15
Therefore, brothers, stand fast, and hold the traditions which you have been taught, whether by word, or our letter.

To go off and keep man made Sunday religious ways is sin and Jesus dealt harshly with that in Mark7:6-9

Our website is there to help you in the Lord's true ekklesia body life. Contact us if you need help in living out the biblical body at home and we will help you all we can to BE His body right where you are and grow in His word and wisdom.

God be praised