Day 12 2017 Mission Trip / Mormonism Exposed

On day 12 of our mission trip we rolled into Riverton Wyoming. We deceided to put our gospel sign on our trailer and drive around to see the town. We did not go very far and we saw two young men dressed exactly alike going door to door. We assumed they had to be either Jehovah Witness or Mormon.

We called them over and they were Mormons out spreading their ill gospel message.

I asked them some questions and then I began to lovingly share God's truth with them and how the bible and the true Christ; total destroys their false faith made of a murderous man named Joseph Smith in the 1800's.

They really had NO defense for my facts or questions and at one point one of them started crying saying.... I was being mean. I was actually very kind but I was showing them they follow a false Jesus and a false gospel that will send them to hell; unless they repent of it.

Go to the links below to see facts about the Mormon faith and how dangerous and even occult they are.

We left them and told them we pray they will repent and if they did we will come back and help them in the true faith. One was convicted but the other was very arrogant in his stance and he totally opposed the truth of God's Word.  It is sad these young men called themselves elders...but they had no training or poor training defending their own false faith; let alone knowing the facts of the truth of God's Word.

Mormonism is just another false denomination of man and it is a demonic one at that.

Please see these links that will help you in the truth of God's Word and into eternal life to come.

God be praised