Amish Football League and Rumspringa ... More Amish Hypocrisy Part 2

Do these look like Amish men to you?

I was doing a testing and I came across this sad bit of info I thought I needed to share. It seems the religious group known as Amish, in certain circles of theirs, actually have an Amish Football league for their young men. I learned many of them follow the NFL football league as well going to town to get newspapers with scores and all. This surprised me as football is prideful, immodest, carnal, violent and the Amish as Anabaptist's tend to avoid the ways of the fallen world such as organized sports. Well, what I quickly learned was this is all part of a thing called: 


That is a time period where they allow the young people 16-20 years old to leave their communities and go off into the world and experience the sinful offerings of it to see if they want to come back and join the Amish church. Even the elders of the church their approve of such a thing. 

Could there be a more foolish and sinful thing to do in a religious community that claims to honor a Holy and Pure God? 

The bible says to be holy in all your ways 1 Peter 1:15 and to avoid all evil in Ephesians 5. Allowing and encouraging youth to go sample sin it is a terrible stain against them and a grievous issue before God. 

It is all sadly part of what we call Amish hypocrisy and it is nothing but sinful man made tradition they keep and honor to their shame. 

If you look into football / the NFL you will see it is not of God at all. See this article:

Also if you test the Amish you will many ore unbiblial man made ways in their groups. See this article:

All of this goes to show that if your NOT following God's Word alone and rejecting all man made false religious ways, you will be deceived by sin and its ways! 

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God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Go here for audio teachings:

His true people follow Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) NOT.... man made false ways or today's denominational religion.