Matt 9:13
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Latest van dweller post called:
Beggar gets Mad and Crowds are Bad!
Updated article on biblical dress for Christian men
Why Do We Stand So Hard Against Man Made Religion?
I saw this worldly, fleshly (angry in a rush) immodest man ... lift up his hat 2 inches, say a 1 second prayer over his food and he dug in. It smacked of total ritual & lip service! He obviously has some kind of faith in God but look at the fruit of it all. ( his wife was there and she was far from a biblical obedient godly lady )
Some religious system / tradition has mot likely told him it is ok to be of the world, live, act, dress and do as you please daily and just toss God some scraps here and there ( quick prayers and Sunday church ) and you are good to go to heaven. Lies and more lies that will damn his soul!
That is why we stand against these false systems as they are lying sending people to hell.
Repent and obey the gospel to gain eternal life to come!
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Latest van dweller post called:
Beggar gets Mad and Crowds are Bad!
Sister Deb wrote a post about 'An Even Place', sharing how we are to be thankful even in the small things.
Updated article on biblical dress for Christian men
Why Do We Stand So Hard Against Man Made Religion?
I saw this worldly, fleshly (angry in a rush) immodest man ... lift up his hat 2 inches, say a 1 second prayer over his food and he dug in. It smacked of total ritual & lip service! He obviously has some kind of faith in God but look at the fruit of it all. ( his wife was there and she was far from a biblical obedient godly lady )
Some religious system / tradition has mot likely told him it is ok to be of the world, live, act, dress and do as you please daily and just toss God some scraps here and there ( quick prayers and Sunday church ) and you are good to go to heaven. Lies and more lies that will damn his soul!
This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Mark 7
That is why we stand against these false systems as they are lying sending people to hell.
Repent and obey the gospel to gain eternal life to come!
See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.