Van Dwellers / Preaching Christ: Latest Updates


The following are the latest updates of just some of our travels and experiences as van dwellers preaching Christ crucified all over America:

You can read our past 2019/2020 Van Dweller posts at these links here: 

Here is our teaching blog:

Here is our street preaching videos:


Sept 19 2020

This summer we have traveled through Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho and Colorado then back again. We finally made it back to the Midwest as we entered into Wisconsin from the Minnesota side. Here is the mighty Mississippi river we crossed.


We encountered many beggars this summer and they all get the gospel truth and love.  

Read about some of our witnessing experiences here:


It is never boring out here working for the Lord:
Just today a woman pulls up to say she liked our gospel signs. As we talked, she was shown to be in sin and keeping the false Baptist religion. As we loving tried to teach/warn her, she made excuses for sin and then she said: I am sorry I even stopped to talk to you!!!
Huh, I wonder if the false religious people of Jesus and John the Baptist day were ever sorry they stopped to talk to them?

John said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Matt 3

Jesus said, Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
Matt 23

See the baptist faith exposed here:


We have had a blessed time traveling all over the busy western US street preaching but we always find places of peace rest up. Here is sister debbie resting at a peaceful park we walked in:

Here is a sign we fly at times:

What a honor to get to stand and glorify God in towns / 
cities all over the USA. We do not deserve this life we have, thank you Lord!

We have encountered some dangers this summer and it would be a lot safer/more peaceful to sit on our homestead in Missouri. (see our guest cabin) But; we feel called to go to preach Him crucified to the lost. 

In August, we camped at an awesome lake spot in Wyoming and I snapped one of my favorite pictures of all time:

Check out some of our latest street preaching videos here 
to edify you all:

Down the gospel road we go and more updates to come!

God be praised


See these resources below to call you out of false man made religion 

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: