Van Dweller Update

  The following are the latest updates of just some of our travels and street witnessing experiences as full time van dwellers out in the world daily, preaching Christ crucified all over America:

You can read some of our past 2019/2020 Van Dweller posts at these links here: 

Here is our teaching blog:

Here is our street preaching videos:

Interested in this life? See our Van Dwelling Tip Page to help:


May 9-31

During this time we were on the Missouri homestead then we traveled thru Iowa, into southern Minnesota then western Wisconsin. We did lots of online work as we traveled to fund our ministry well into June which will be full of more street preaching at outside events.


Our first day back on the gospel road .... I meet a man with a wife that had just died. Here is an audio on that and how to reach out to others with care and concern....


We got NEW tires for the gospel van....


We saw some awesome sunsets.....


I showed our awesome seating options in van life


Some street witnessing we did .... why we GO!


My testimony I audio recorded


Making Thermal Rice in Van Life


Golden Calves and Golden Teeth (witnessing experience)


Seating Products for Van Life


Homemade Body Wipes for Van Life


Here is an audio on how van life helps in the faith life for Christ:


We made some awesome healthy coconut drinks in van life:


Did a lot of Walmart camping on the way.....


I added a simple $10 door van handle that helped us A LOT!
